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Re: [higgins-dev] build: why so many files?

>>> Valery Kokhan <vkokhan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 10/13/07 4:14 PM >>> 
>What we are trying to do right now is to develop some configure script
>which could reuse all we have for nightly builds to get all the
>dependencies of the project. This will allow anybody download single
>project, run that script and get all the dependencies required to
>build this project.

I'm particularly interested in what's happening on this effort.  We've been discussing this a lot on the #higgins IRC channel.  For deployments, it would be nice if there were an option to download the deployment project, and when it builds, the build will download all dependencies (recursively).

I started playing with the ant cvs task, and it seems to work well for this kind of thing.  I had planned to start modifying BuildFileCreator to add this capability into a build target (probably in build-subprojects, or a new target that build-subprojects depends on.  I have not started that work yet, and I'm interested to know what similar work has been happening there that would accomplish the same.

I did have one design consideration that I hadn't quite thought through, which is why I haven't started implementing yet.  That is, when we build a project (whether it's a component or a deployment), we should be able to specify a release tag.  That way, a deployment can default to build with something like M0-9.  This means that the resulting cvs update for all the dependency projects also needs to get that same version.  I believe this can be done easily enough, but I did worry a bit about having a build suddenly change the code in people's dependency projects without them being fully aware of it.  Not sure if that's a big problem or not.


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