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[higgins-dev] configuration issues

I've created a test project for the configuration.xml code.  (Not yet checked in.)  I found a couple of issues:

(1) A couple of the handlers (e.g., KeyStoreHandler) invoke the MapHandler to read in their subsettings.  They do this by looking up the handler for "htf:map" in the SettingHandlers list.  It doesn't seem safe to me to use the "htf:map" string, since the idea behind the SettingHandlers list (I think) is to allow the config file writer to use his own type designators.  (And it assumes that the writer knows that a map handler must be listed, even if none of the settings in his file use that type.)  I can think of a couple of ways to at least mitigate this, but I wondered if anyone else thinks it's a problem.

(2) The ContextFactoryHandler has nothing to do with ContextFactory objects.  It just creates an object, which can be of any class.  (In the STS config file, it happens to be used to instantiate ContextFactory objects.)   I recommend that we name it something different.

(3) In order to run a test that parses a test.xml file, I have to either user JRE 1.6.0_01 or include a jar called "jsr173_1.0_ri.jar" (downloaded from BEA), because finder could not find provider  Is there another way around this, or should I require JRE 1.6.0 for this project?  (Someone else using StAX must have encountered this, right?)


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