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[higgins-dev] Multi-valued complex attributes (was: IdAS is now Java 1.4)

I'm breaking some of these topics into their own threads.
>>> "Sergey Lyakhov" <slyakhov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3/27/07 10:51 AM >>>
>In addition, to resolve problems with multiple values (as simple as complex) of attribute I propose to add some CollectionAttribute to IdAS model. So we will have exactly one value for SimpleAttribute and for ComplexAttribute, and resolve a problem with ComplexAttribute that now unable to have more than one complex value.
This is the second time I've heard this assertion.  As far as I know, there is nothing that prevents us from having a multi-valued complex attribute. IAttribute extends IProperty which has a getValues() method.  This returns one or more IPropertyValues.  For a complex attribute, each IPropertyValue will be an IComplexValue.  Let me know if there is something wrong with my understanding.

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