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[gyrex-dev] Having a Servlet and a Resource with the same "/" (Root) Alias

Hi Gunnar,
a question regarding the aliases of servlets and resources and what the best solution would be:

My Problem: 
1. I have servlet "WelcomeController" with the default alias "welcome" so that I can call it by http://localhost:8080/mysampleapp1/welcome
2. I now also want to be that my default servlet, so that I can call with with http://localhost:8080/mysampleapp1/
3. to achieve 2. I have registered a new Servlet with the alias "/" which also points to the same WelcomeController servlet.  That works, but see 4.
4. I also have a resource registered for the alias "/" which points to my public folder to get images and css etc. 

When I now call http://localhost:8080/mysampleapp1/ I see the output of the WelcomeController which is what I expect. But it also seems that the "/" resource isn't working anymore, because now my image on that page doesn't display anymore.
I debugged it and found that when the image URL is called (http://localhost:8080/mysampleapp1/images/logo.png) it now alos tries to route that to the WelcomeController. 

How can I achieve that I have something like a default servlet for the alias "/" and also having all my resources also under this alias "/" ?

Here are the extension points of the plugin.xml of my example app. I am only talking about application1 here. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.4"?>



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