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RE: [gef-dev] GEF feature requests

Being developer of the WYSIWYG editor using GEF I want to say that GEF needs to be more tweakable:

  1. Rulers as they are now are designed to be used in the class diagram. They must be more customizable. I’ve had to fork the ruler implementation to make it start not from the top-left corner. Zero mark is not necessarily at the ruler start. I also needed another figure (i.e. composite, like in MS Word).
  2. I guess it would be worthy to provide some “mapping modes” like in windows – for metric, English, so on. Rulers must be able to work in different units.




-----Original Message-----
From: gef-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:gef-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Randy Hudson
Monday, June 28, 2004 8:17 PM
To: gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [gef-dev] GEF feature requests


Someone recently contacted me with a similar idea.  The idea was to create Content Providers like JFace has for trees/tables, but instead for a specific graphical type of content such as a class diagram.  Maybe this person is on the mailing list and will detail his group's intentions.

This is probably a good idea and a natural area for GEF to extend into.  But, as far as fixed content types/UIs, we've had some experience with this in the Palette.  The palette is a graphical viewer with a predefined structure and appearance.  But currently you can not really extend the palette using public API.  So maybe the palette can eventually serve as a proof of concept for this idea.

I think what we need are more detailed proposals.  For example, the actual API of ClassDiagramContentProvider and its dependencies, and how the client would customize things like which figure is used to render the class, how commands are created, etc.  In some ways, having a single provider object goes agains the way GEF is set up.  You'll end up with one big class which needs to know everything about the application.  Instead, a more appropriate approach might be to keep the editparts more invovled.  Perhaps create some new EditPart implementations which are more tightly coupled with a specific UI element like "class" or "activity".

Thanks for the suggestion and details design documents are definitely welcome,
Randy Hudson


"Cameron Bateman" <cbateman@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: gef-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/28/2004 12:19 PM
Please respond to gef-dev

        To:        <gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
        Subject:        [gef-dev] GEF feature requests

Feature request:

How about some default implementations of various regularly used classes and application patterns?  When I started using GEF I found it took *way too much* time to develop a simple application that did anything useful.  I understand that keeping everything highly de-coupled is an important design goal for GEF, but at the same time it makes it very hard to design new apps.

In terms of default classes I'm thinking particularly of the way Swing JTable's are designed.  When you first create a JTable you can specify a DefaultTableModel to get you up and running until you understand how they work.  Once you have that figured out, you can go and re-factor, replacing DefaultTableModel with AbstractTableModel (its parent class so most typesafety is also preserved) and implement your model properly.


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