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Re: [epp-dev] Eclipse bug reporting query

I've updated the Bug Reporting FAQ [1] with some of this content.



On 11/10/2012 12:37 PM, David M Williams wrote:
By convention, the severity is typically left up to the originator, while the priority is left up to the committer/project to decide.

Typically, if a committer thinks the severity is not correctly set, they will explain what the "meaning" of the different levels are, suggest another, and see if the originator agrees.
In some cases, if it is "obvious", the committer will simply change the severity level, explaining why they did.

The "meanings" used to be more documented in bugzilla itself, but think a few releases ago they decided to say less about it, see
but most projects us the previously defined basic definitions, where (as I recall)

"blocker" means just that, the bug prevents use or testing of the build (for which there is no work-around)
"critical" implies "loss of data" or frequent crashes
"major" implies "loss of function"
"normal" ... default value, typically the correct setting unless one of the other levels fit.
"minor" means something's wrong, but does effect function significantly.
"trivial" means something's wrong, but doesn't effect function (such as spelling errors in doc, etc.).

But overall, it is up to each project do decide how they triage/handle bugs so some variability from project to project will occur.

Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: @waynebeaton
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