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[epp-dev] Issue With installer

I have an issue in building the installer.  I created the installer RCP application and I have the eclipse distribution.

in my build I unzip the eclipse to a staging directory (/var/tmp/stage) and then I unzip the the installer to a sub directory of eclipse called installer
/var/tmp/stage/eclipse for the eclipse install
/var/tmp/stage/eclipse/installer for the installer RCP.

then I build the archive
with source = /var/tmp/stage/eclipse
with fileset <fileset dir="/var/tmp/stage/eclipse"
with unpack fileset <fileset dir="/var/tmp/stage/eclipse/install" />

the archive command will build the archive fine.

When I execute the archive I get the eclipse installed to the required directory but I get the installer under the installed eclipse directory.

How would I go about creating a SFX archive that contained the eclipse code to be installed and the installer code to do the install but only unpack the installer and not install in the eclipse directory?

I also updated ticket 199145 with this information.  I believe this is related.
Mark Russell
Instantiations, Inc.
724-368-3331 (land line)

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