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[epp-dev] issue with new installer

When I run the new installer I get the errors asking if I want to overwrite directories. Here is a copy of the output of the Archive viewer for my installer.
XSEArchive Viewer for Eclipse Packaging Project version 0.9

Autorun executable = installer/InstallEuropaJava.exe
Autorun arguments = -vmargs -Dinstaller.jar.path=$#launcher#
Contents of archive:
Type	IsRequired	Size(bytes)	Name
----	----------	-----------	----
File	true		53248		installer/InstallEuropaJava.exe
File	false		0		installer/
File	false		59		.eclipseproduct
File	false		3292		configuration/config.ini
File	false		0		configuration/
What I notice is that the installer/InstallEuropaJava.exe is before the installer directory. this seems to be causing issues with the installer because every directory it tries to create gives me a warning about overwriting.

is there any way to stop the overwrite dialog from coming up if the installer already created that directory.
Another way to solve it is to make sure all of the directories are listed in the sf file before the files. This is the way that zip appears to do it.
Mark Russell
Instantiations, Inc.
724-368-3331 (land line)

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