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Re: [eclipselink-users] SessionCustomizer to modify/detect database platform: impossible

A third workaround suggested by a colleague

- Use the eclipselink.metadata-source persistence unit property to point to a custom class that extends org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.metadata.MetadataSourceAdapter

- In your class implement

public Map<String, Object> getPropertyOverrides(Map<String, Object> properties, ClassLoader classLoader, SessionLog log)

and in the case where you need to specify the new platform, add the property to that list.

This method is called immediately before login and should provide you what you need.


On 21/02/2013 8:46 AM, Tom Ware wrote:
Hi Laird,

   It looks like the use-case where you want auto-detection of database platform
for all but a single platform is not well covered by the current code base.  I
see you've filed bug 401388 for this issue.  The easiest way for us to address
your specific issue is to make the isInformixOuterJoin flag a boolean on the
InformixPlatform that could be set in your customizer, this could be done
quickly, but would not help you for your 2.3.2 deployment.

   The possible workarounds I see are:

1. Pass the new platform as a property when your EntityManagerFactory is created
2. Try to override the auto-detection yourself.  This would involve roughly the
following steps
   - Use the property in your persistence.xml to set
a platform... Any platform. (this setting will make EclipseLink avoid it's own
auto-detection code)
   - In a prelogin event use the code from our
DatabaseSessionImpl.loginAndDetectDatasource method to use our auto-detection
code and then override the InformixPlatform if it is detected.  Here is the code
as it exists.  You could override the platformName if it was the InformixPlatform:

                 try {
                     String vendorNameAndVersion =
conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName() +
                     platformName =
DBPlatformHelper.getDBPlatform(vendorNameAndVersion, getSessionLog());
                 } catch (EclipseLinkException classNotFound) {
                     if (platformName.indexOf("Oracle") != -1) {
                         // If we are running against Oracle, it is possible
that we are running in an environment where
                         // the OracleXPlatform class can not be loaded. Try
using OraclePlatform class before giving up

                     } else {
                         throw classNotFound;

Sorry this is so involved.


On 21/02/2013 1:43 AM, Laird Nelson wrote:
Is it possible to write a SessionCustomizer that jumps in early enough to
install a custom platform on a session, AND that is immune to the platform's
jettisoning of any installed platform upon initial login?

One of the first things that does is to set the
session's associated platform--conveniently installed by my session
customizer--to null.  WTF.

In other words, a SessionCustomizer that I've written happily installs a new
platform...which is then immediately overwritten by the core EclipseLink
innards.  I see no way to prevent this overwriting.

A SessionEventListener which activates after a postLogin() event that does the
same thing results in dozens of NullPointerExceptions from deep within later on in the persistence unit lifecycle, so that's not an

Relevant StackOverflow question:



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