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Re: [eclipselink-users] SessionCustomizer to modify/detect database platform: impossible

Hi Laird,

It looks like the use-case where you want auto-detection of database platform for all but a single platform is not well covered by the current code base. I see you've filed bug 401388 for this issue. The easiest way for us to address your specific issue is to make the isInformixOuterJoin flag a boolean on the InformixPlatform that could be set in your customizer, this could be done quickly, but would not help you for your 2.3.2 deployment.

  The possible workarounds I see are:

1. Pass the new platform as a property when your EntityManagerFactory is created
2. Try to override the auto-detection yourself. This would involve roughly the following steps - Use the property in your persistence.xml to set a platform... Any platform. (this setting will make EclipseLink avoid it's own auto-detection code) - In a prelogin event use the code from our DatabaseSessionImpl.loginAndDetectDatasource method to use our auto-detection code and then override the InformixPlatform if it is detected. Here is the code as it exists. You could override the platformName if it was the InformixPlatform:

                try {
String vendorNameAndVersion = conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName() + conn.getMetaData().getDatabaseMajorVersion(); platformName = DBPlatformHelper.getDBPlatform(vendorNameAndVersion, getSessionLog());
                } catch (EclipseLinkException classNotFound) {
                    if (platformName.indexOf("Oracle") != -1) {
// If we are running against Oracle, it is possible that we are running in an environment where // the OracleXPlatform class can not be loaded. Try using OraclePlatform class before giving up

                    } else {
                        throw classNotFound;

Sorry this is so involved.


On 21/02/2013 1:43 AM, Laird Nelson wrote:
Is it possible to write a SessionCustomizer that jumps in early enough to
install a custom platform on a session, AND that is immune to the platform's
jettisoning of any installed platform upon initial login?

One of the first things that does is to set the
session's associated platform--conveniently installed by my session
customizer--to null.  WTF.

In other words, a SessionCustomizer that I've written happily installs a new
platform...which is then immediately overwritten by the core EclipseLink
innards.  I see no way to prevent this overwriting.

A SessionEventListener which activates after a postLogin() event that does the
same thing results in dozens of NullPointerExceptions from deep within later on in the persistence unit lifecycle, so that's not an

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