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Re: [eclipselink-users] During synchronization a new object was found through a relationship that was not marked cascade PERSIST:

When you persist an object EclipseLink will discover all objects it is related to - it will walk the graph. If any objects in the graph are not managed (either through an explicit persist, or through a cascade) you will see that exception.

Michael Simons wrote:
Hello Tom,

Especially the SojournPosition is also referenced by the TourPosition and that relation is not marked cascade=PERSIST.
Does this mean when I want an instance (e.g. of SojournPosition) to be persisted without explicitly calling persist(), I must mark it cascade=PERSIST in any relation it is part of?

- Michael

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: eclipselink-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:eclipselink-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Tom Ware
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. September 2011 17:54
An: EclipseLink User Discussions
Betreff: Re: [eclipselink-users] During synchronization a new object was found through a relationship that was not marked cascade PERSIST:

'hard to tell from what you have provided.

The mappings you haven't included, could easily be causing this issue. How are your classes becoming managed? Are there other non-cascaded mappings on any of the objects being persisted? Are they referencing elements that are causing the problem? (i.e. Do both Sojourn and SojournPosition have no other relationships)


Michael Simons wrote:
Hello Tom,

AFAIK it is that simple:

class Sojourn {
// ...
	/** Set of sorted references to tour-stops that take place at this sojourn. Please remind that these are also part of a tour. */
	@OneToMany(cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.DETACH, CascadeType.REFRESH, CascadeType.REMOVE, CascadeType.MERGE}, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "sojourn")
	private Set<SojournPosition>	positions;

	 * Creates a SojournPosition that references the given TourPosition and inserts it to the set of psoitions.
	public SojournPosition addTourPosition (int index, TourPosition s) {
		if (index < 0)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException (String.format ("Value %d for index is too small.", index));
		List<SojournPosition> sorted = getPositionsBySeq ();
		if (index > sorted.size ())
			throw new IllegalArgumentException (String.format ("Value %d for index is too big.", index));
		if (index == sorted.size ()) {
			if (positions == null) positions = new HashSet<SojournPosition>();
			SojournPosition sp = new SojournPosition (this, s, index);
			positions.add (sp);
			return sp;
		} else {
			SojournPosition sp = new SojournPosition (this, s, index);
			List<SojournPosition> positions = getPositionsBySeq();
			for(int i = index; i < positions.size(); i++){
				SojournPosition tempPos = positions.get(i);
				tempPos.setIndex(tempPos.getIndex() + 1);
			positions.add (sp);
			return sp;

class SojournPosition {
// ...
	@JoinColumn(name="sojourn_id", nullable=false)
    @ForeignKey(onDelete=ForeignKeyType.CASCADE, onUpdate=ForeignKeyType.RESTRICT) // That's an annotation of our own.
	private Sojourn			sojourn;

- Michael

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: eclipselink-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:eclipselink-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Tom Ware
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. September 2011 17:20
An: EclipseLink User Discussions
Betreff: Re: [eclipselink-users] During synchronization a new object was found through a relationship that was not marked cascade PERSIST:

You are correct (the key here is the lack of a cascade to a related object). Is your failing example that simple?


Michael Simons wrote:
Hello Tom,

but isn't that what CascadeType.PERSIST is mentioned to do?
In the example given: If the instance of B referenced in A was marked cascade=CascadeType.PERSIST in A. Then I expect that this instance of B is persisted by EL, without a extra call of em.persist(). Am I wrong?


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: eclipselink-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:eclipselink-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Tom Ware
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 7. September 2011 17:11
An: EclipseLink User Discussions
Betreff: Re: [eclipselink-users] During synchronization a new object was found through a relationship that was not marked cascade PERSIST:

This exception indicates that there is a non-managed object related to an object that is managed.

e.g. You have a relationship between A and B without cascade persist. You create an A, related it to a B and then persist the A without persisting the B.


Michael Simons wrote:

I've got the exception mentioned in the subject although the relation is marked cascade PERSIST.

Any ideas what might cause this?

Is this a known bug?

We're using EL 2.1.3

Kind Regards,

Michael Simons


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