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Re: [eclipselink-users] EclipseLink 2: ANT Task Error

Sorry you are having so much trouble. What I previously tried to suggest is that you:

1- remove the "-Aeclipselink.persistencexml" directive and
2- copy the persistence.xml file to "D:/Project/website/ant/META-INF/persistence.xml"

If that doesn't work, which directory are your classes being generated to? Try adding META-INF/persistence.xml off that directory as well.


On 16/05/2011 6:12 AM, Chuong Pham wrote:
My build.xml file is under D:/Project/website/ant/. I tried your suggestion
by copying the persistence.xml file one level up to
D:/Project/website/META-INF/ and redefine the ANT task to point to this
directory level - still got the same error. >-(

I have tried similar ANT tasks for OpenJPA and Hibernate using
D:/Project/website/WebContent/META-INF/persistence.xml and it works fine
which led me to conclude that there is a bug with the EclipseLink release.
Else, it would have failed for OpenJPA and Hibernate, too.

I can't believe something so simple as this can take so much time with
EclipseLink. It's disappointing!... Unfortunately, the company I worked for
already invested too much in EclipseLink so we can't moved off it. I wish I
could though...

Guy Pelletier wrote:
  I'm suggesting copying the META-INF/persistence.xml to another level. 
Based on previous emails you have something like:


So copy META-INF/persistence.xml at different directory levels, e.g.


Where is your build.xml/ant task defined? Try adding
META-INF/persistence.xml off that directory. Basically, see if the
generator can find the file automatically from some other level (other
then where you have it now)


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