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Re: [eclipselink-users] EclipseLink LAZY fetching without weaving

The first thing to keep in mind is that weaving is only used for LAZY loading of xToOne relationships, so you will get lazy Functionality on xToMany relationships without weaving.

The other option for weaving of xToOne relationships is to write classes that explicitly contain instances of EclipseLink ValueHolder object to represent xToOne relationships.

We have not yet heard a compelling reason to implement a dynamic subclassing strategy in addition to our weaving strategy and I am curious to know what constraints you have the prevent static weaving but allow dynamic subclassing. Could you provide some more information?


patric@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Unfortunately not.

Are there any other options?
And/or are there any plans to implement a feature like dynamic subclassing in the next releases of EclipseLink?

Quoting Tom Ware <tom.ware@xxxxxxxxxx>:

Is static weaving an option?

patric@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hello everyone,

Our clients use a non-JEE-enabled application server, but cannot specify the -javaagent argument. But anyway, we'd like to benefit from the performance improvements the LAZY fetching brings to us.

Is it possible to configure EclipseLink to use LAZY fetching (for all relation types)
without any weaving?
(e.g. using dynamic subclass generation)

Best regards,

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