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Re: [eclipselink-users] Odd problem with BeansBinding since upgrading Eclipse Link to 1.1 (only with static weaving)

Hi Chris,

I ran the static weaver on some test classes. It looks like there is a (very minor) bug with the static weaver. It ignores the "eclipselink.weaving" flag. This is minor for two reasons:

1. If you are running the static weaver, it is fairly safe to assume you want some weaving 2. It does not ignore the other weaving flags. (e.g. setting property name="eclipselink.weaving.lazy" value="false" causes weaving of lazy xToOne mappings to remain unweaved)

  To debug, I suggest the following:

1. Set the eclipselink.weaving flag in your persistence unit to "static"
2. Run several times and try to set each of the following flags to "false" individually. See if any one flag allows you to succeed. That will help isolate which part of the weaving is getting in the way. With that information, we can decide what is going wrong, and decide if there is anything that can be done in EclipseLink to solve this issue. Here are the properties (remember, they default to true):



t3_chris wrote:
File size Comparison:

Ant Task is ON    /  peristence.xml: weaving is set to static:
Customer.class unwoven-directory 20kb
Customer.class woven-directory    29kb

Ant Task is ON   /   persistence.xml: weaving is set explicitly to false:
Customer.class unwoven-directory 20kb
Customer.class woven-directory    29kb
Ant Task is OFF / persistenct.xml: weaving is set explicitly to false:
Customer.class unwoven-directory 20kb
woven directory doesn't exist due the missing ant task

In all cases -except the last one without the ant task- the interface you
mentioned is added to my class signature:

Example of my country class (decompiled version with having set
eclipselink.weaving to false in the persistence.xml but having the ant-task
for weaving enabled):
public class Country
    implements Serializable, Cloneable, PersistenceWeaved,
	       PersistenceObject, FetchGroupTracker,
	       PersistenceWeavedFetchGroups, ChangeTracker,

Seems strange to me. What i'll try next is to compare a decompiled version
of a class weaved by eclipse link 1.0.2 with the same decompiled class
weaved by the 1.1 static weaver. May i am able to figure out some


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