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[eclipse-pmc] Galileo SR1 endgame

At today's planning council call, the dates for Galileo SR1 were finalized [1]. The only notable change from previous years is an *extra* release candidate three weeks earlier on August 10-14th. This was based on the experience last year where there were problems getting the release train builds started that resulted in a very late RC1 build. Contribution to this first build is optional. Based on these dates I have created a draft Galileo SR1 endgame plan [2]. This plan is based on the Ganymede SR1 plan, with RC1,RC2,RC3 renamed to RC2,RC3,RC4, with the new RC1 inserted at the beginning. Please send any comments on this draft plan, especially in light of the retrospective suggestion to introduce more control into the maintenance release process. I haven't added any extra process into this draft, but I'm awaiting your input on whether we should make changes.

Note this schedule requires our RC1 build to be *this* Friday, which is very short notice. I suggest we let everyone know about this, but finalize and publish the end-game plan next week after discussing it next Wednesday.



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