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Re: EMF backed Workbench (Was Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] Initial discussion on the 'modelled' workbench UI)


Beautiful work Tom!  I liked a lot what I am seeing here.  I have 2
suggestions and a request ;-)

1. I saw a few attributes using EBooleanObject as type (ESash.horizontal
for example).  I am wondering if they could be just EBoolean (ie, the
primitive type)

2. I don't believe we should get too much into optimization at this very
moment, but since we are talking about booleans ;-) , there is a very
simple change you can make to reduce the amount of memory used to store
boolean values.  In your genmodel, select the root node and set the
following properties as indicated
   "Model Feature Defaults -> Boolean Flag Fields" : eFlags
   "Model Feature Defaults -> Boolean Flag Reserved Bits " : 8
When you regen the code, the boolean values will be stored using the bits
available in EObjectImpl.eFlag instead of actual boolean variables.  The
accessors will take care of all the nasty bitwise operations for you :-)

3. Can you export the packages declared in
"org.eclipse.e4.presentationmodel.pure.emf.workbench"?  I would like to
play with the classes available there, to leverage the technology already
available for EMF models to this example.


Marcelo Paternostro
IBM Toronto Lab

  From:       Tom Schindl <tom.schindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                                                                        
  To:         E4 developer list <eclipse-incubator-e4-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                                                         
  Date:       04/09/2008 06:11 PM                                                                                                              
  Subject:    EMF backed Workbench (Was Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] Initial  discussion on the 'modelled'  workbench UI)                    


I finally managed to get the workbench up and running with an EMF-Model
implementation in the background.

You can fetch the 2 necessary projects from [1]. The current state of my
implementation is that the workbench shows up and is backed by an
EMF-Model not more not less. I looks and behaves different than it
should and I'm going to investigate this in the next days but at least I
have now reached a point where I can investigate because the workbench
starts :-)

One thing I'd like to point out explicitly here too: Please read the
note I added to the bug to understand where I'm coming from and where I
try to go to.



B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t                        EDV Systemhaus GmbH
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