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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] Initial discussion onthe'modelled'workbench UI

2) The protocol currently enforced in the ControlFactory's 'createGUI' and 'disposeGUI' methods be the -only- path through with rendering elements are managed. This is needed to enforce the CSS styling (as well as a way to maintain sanity in the world...;-). Tom, the reason that the 'clientArea' gets added to the 'contents' as well as being its own property is to get the rendering for take place in the ControlFactory's 'processContents' part of the protocol).

well so it is a "workaround" to make the generic method work. I think what's happening is that because your model is so generic and it is easy to abuse its features adding the attribute has no modeling reason you but the only reason is an implementation detail.

That's why I don't overly generic models like e.g. JavaScript-Objects whose counterpart in Java is a Hash because you can add/remove properties like you want. Freedom is good but too much freedom leads to anarchy.

What do you really gain with code like this:

against code like this:


In fact IMHO you have the same amount of API (your Property-Constants are API as well but one has to do a lot of reading documentation/code to find out it is) but the latter is documenting itself: The Model-Element has the possibility to restore a property named widget which is of type Widget.

I've done a lot of JavaScript programming and always hated that I had to switch between the HTML-Documentation and my code. A browsers DOM is a well defined structure that's why tooling can help this is not true for any model and kills productivity.


B e s t S o l u t i o n . a t                        EDV Systemhaus GmbH
tom schindl                               leiter softwareentwicklung/CSO
eduard-bodem-gasse 8/3    A-6020 innsbruck      phone    ++43 512 935834

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