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Re: [eclipse-incubator-e4-dev] Initial discussion onthe'modelled'workbench UI

Ed, it's not just beans etc, the current demo shows up to 'map' the current IConfigurationElement ScopedPreferenceStore and IMememto 'models' and expose them as 'ModelElements' (although it'll likely take a few more rounds to figure out what the API for these is...;-). Whatever the API, this consolidation is I believe essential to the strategic goal of simplifying the Workbench.

BTW, I get it...;-) Your comments abut undo/redo, save/restore and meta-data are precisely the capabilities that will be needed at some point and that EMF already has a robust implementation of.

So, if EMF doesn't show up in the model's API, what does it look like? I think that there is a difference between the 'core' model API (the eventual Model Element/Domain) and additional API that expose domain specific 'types' through classes/methods/meta-models/utilities (i.e. "Stack.addView(id)...", can we agree to treat them separately?

Note that we're already committed having all the existing API work, I just need a model to make it work against..;-).

My comments about enforcing a widget life-cycle protocol are pure rendering code (just good SWT/JFace practice), not specific to the model itself (probably why you found it uninteresting..;-), any number of different rendering engines may be capable of displaying a particular model fragment.

'til tomorrow,

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