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[e4-dev] Mandatory Gerrit usage for the e4 project?


I grew very found of using Gerrit instead of direct pushes to the Git repo. I see the following advantages:

1.) I can validate myself, if I pushed the right thing. I frequently see in Gerrit that I pushed unintentially whitespace and I can correct that before I commit
2.) I document what I did for others
3.) Others have the possibility to see what I did and can comment or learn from it
4.) It is IMHO fair to Eclipse contributors as I use the same workflow as contributors

What is the general opinion about Gerrit? If the majority of e4 committers is in favor of using it, I would like to suggest that direct pushes are disabled so that every contribution would go via Gerrit. 

We could (in the future) also setup Gerrit build triggers to validate that change don't break the build. 

Best regards, Lars

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