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Re: [e4-dev] JDK level for e4 work?

>  eSWT community is very much interested in those capabilities as well.
> Of course, eSWT has some additions and removals compared to SWT, but I
> think up to the Control hierarchy they are very similar to each other.
> When I was adopting the css engine the biggest missing piece was the
> cursor support. I think we will definitely need to create (either as
> part of e4 or ercp project) a plugin like org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.eswt
> for eSWT and one for eJFace like org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.ejface. Those
> can easily be based on the org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.

Yes I agree this would be how we'd structure it.

> However the
> best would be to have org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.core which supports
> the hierarchy up to Control.

Hmmm, that's probably not too big a deal, we'd need to look more closely at it.  And there's likely code to be shared which isn't associated with the widget hierarchy, like say the mapping of color names and font names to values, etc.

On the practical side, since targetting a lower JDK level and splitting the plugins along certain paths for the eSWT
community is work, this makes sense iff the eSWT community is committed to contributing.

Aside from all this, are there footprint concerns for using CSS in embedded?  At present the CSS work isn't small (our code), and there are quite a number of dependencies.  Batik isn't structured in a CSS consuming friendly manner and pulls in tons.  Plus I have no idea if the required JDK levels for all those dependencies match what you need.  Have you investigated these aspects?  I gather from your comments you have some previous experience in applying Batik to embedded.
> Speaking of new capabilities, we have already experimented some with
> animations and css engine and very interested on the declarative UI
> but there is an area that we need to enhance eSWT to that I am not
> sure if it would interest the e4. We are working to get Multi-touch
> and gesture recognition to eSWT. I will gladly do that work as part of
> e4 if it is found valuable to do so.

I personally would find the Multi-touch and gestures work quite interesting (!!) but not sure of the interest match for e4.


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