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Re: [dash-dev] Common Build Infrastructure

Hello, Wayne.

What do you think is the best way to start this?

fyi, I sent rather long email explaining objectives of this maven/osgi
build tool (we call it "tycho") and its current state to m2e newsgroup
few days ago [1]. There is m2e continuous integration build setup at
[2], although I do not know how much you'd be able to see there.


Igor Fedorenko

Wayne Beaton wrote:
I'd like to see it. I believe that the point is to make building easier,
not to use any particular technology...


On Tue, 2008-08-26 at 15:18 -0400, Igor Fedorenko wrote:
I am obviously biased, but I wonder if you'd be interested to give our maven/osgi build tool a try? It is still work in progress, but I'd be happy to help setup sample project or two.

Igor Fedorenko

Denis Roy wrote:

I have a question. During our short but interesting workshop, I spent a fair amount of time watching Nick Boldt 'unhack' modeling-specific hacks from his current Build Infra code. I mean no disrespect to Nick's build system -- it appears to be complete, and it seems to work very well for all the building he does. But a generic, simple builder it is not.

My question is: Should we keep pushing forward with the current goal of taking Nick's code and adapting it to work (which is currently stalled as most of us are useless without Nick doing all the work), or should we (Bjorn, myself, Nick, Wayne, anyone?) consider creating a small, simple system from scratch?


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