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Re: [cdt-dev] Freeze / Deadlock in GdbMemoryBlock.fetchMemoryBlock

Hi Tobias,
Do you see the requests for memory being completed in the GDB trace (you can see it in the console view). Also, if the request is never completing, you should trace the execution in the MIMemory service.

Hope this helps,

On 01/31/2011 12:32 AM, Tobias Tost wrote:
Hello there,

I'm currently playing around with the CDT/Eclipse plugin functionalities. Now, I am at the point where I am a little bit desperate how to proceed - being overwhelmed by the huge API.

My current goal: add a MemoryView that fetches data from the GDB connection to a remote host, convert it to image data and siplay it in the memory view pane. Sadly, I'm not able to fetch enough data to achieve this - I always get stalls/freezes when asking for more than 32K, which will easily be beaten by even small images. The stack is this:

Object.wait(long) line: not available [native method]	
Query$QueryRm(Object).wait() line: 485 [local variables unavailable]	
GdbMemoryBlock$1(Query<V>).get() line: 105	
GdbMemoryBlock.fetchMemoryBlock(BigInteger, long) line: 176	
GdbMemoryBlock(DsfMemoryBlock).getBytesFromAddress(BigInteger, long) line: 310	
GdbMemoryBlock(DsfMemoryBlock).getBytesFromOffset(BigInteger, long) line: 275	

- it is simply whaiting for ever for a request to be done

while (!isDone()) {

I already tried to
- split the fetchMemoryBlock-Calls to 4K units
- shift the base-address of my IMemoryBlockExtension during the loop
- inserting Thread.sleep in the loop

Also, I'm currently tinkering the addresses by using manual memory offsets in the style of

adress += sizeof(CTypes.kCType_int, baseSize);
int pitch = toInt(block.getBytesFromAddress(new BigInteger(adress .toString()), sizeof(CTypes.kCType_int, baseSize)));

which is ugly and not very reliable - is there a way to use the debug information that must be available to retrieve the correct variable data as it is shown in the Variables-View?

Sorry if I mixed up two topics with one mail.

Thanks in Advance,


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