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[cdt-dev] Overriding the default CDT debugger launch delegates


I would like to change the default debugger launch delegate (from DSF to CDI) for some of the CDT launch configurations in our Eclipse/CDT based product. As an end user you can do this via the preferences (Run/Debug -> Launching -> Default Launchers). However, I would like to override some of the default values in the plugin_customization.ini file of our product. The problem is that it seems impossible to override these default values...

For example, in order to change the default debugger launch delegate to the CDI variant for the "C/C++ Application" launch configuration, you would add the following line to your product's plugin_customization.ini file:

//org.eclipse.debug.core.PREFERRED_DELEGATES/org.eclipse.cdt.launch.applicationLaunchType = org.eclipse.cdt.cdi.launch.localCLaunch,debug

However, this doesn't work... I have tried different permutations of the above line without success.

Has anyone else tried overriding the default CDT debugger launch delegates? Any input would be most welcome.


Stefan Bylund
Senior Software Engineer
Skalholtsgatan 9,
Box 1033, SE-164 21 Kista, Sweden
Direct: +46 8 50 71 43 25
Mobile: +46 709 71 43 25
Enea - Embedded for Leaders

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