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RE: [cdt-dev] Feedback

Hi Sasha. 
See comments below.

>--- ICNewWizard: Why does a "Tree" get passed to createItems(Tree tree,
boolean supportedOnly) ? Isn't this a bad design? I noticed the wizard
calling this >method is interested in ICWizardHandlers only anyway and
these handlers provide name and icon (getName(), getIcon()). So is there
a reason why the raw >tree gets exposed to implementors of this
extension point instead of asking them for an arrary of
ICWizardHandler[] ?

[okrasiln] Even in current conditions, you can either combine all
"old-style" tool chains in single "Others" folder (in "New Project
or show them separately in root list. See C/C++ preferences page. It's
implemented through the feature you've mentioned as bad.

Yes, only "leaf" members of left-pane tree are real handlers now. Node
elements, who cannot create project themselves, should be either
DummyHandler or their descendants. They are dummy but they are not
useless at all.

While UI design discussion, there were a lot of proposals to make
project types list hierarchical. It's implemented, although current
wizards use this hierarchy minimally. But any tool integrator can add
any types hierarchy he/she wants. That's why we pass "tree" to wizard:
wizard is really able to create any structure of handlers. Do you mean
is it really bad ?

>--- All build ui combo boxes are editable, but they shouldn't be.
(Artifact Type, Builder type, tool chain edit, ...)

It depends of platform, unfortunately. Anyway, they should not. I'll see
and make them consistent.

> --- Small stylistic enhancements: Properties: 'C/C++ ToolChain edit'
should be something like 'C/C++ Tool chain editor'


With best regards, Oleg Krasilnikov
Software designer, Eclipse team.
Intel corp.
+7 8312 162 444 ext. 2587
(Russia, Nizhny Novgorod)

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