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Re: [cdt-dev] Managing additional toolchain state

Recoskie, Chris wrote:
Sorry if we started out from the basics, but we didn't really understand
fully what you were trying to do or why.

I thought I was pretty clear, but given the level of clue out there, I suppose you have to assume a pretty low common denominator.

.cdtproject is really just another XML file.  As long as you follow the

It's not really a XML file, per se: .cdtproject's structure persists as part of CCorePlugin, which allows you to augment the Document and your additional Nodes and Elements get serialized. So, it's a likely place for me to stash my stuff for lack of any better.

pattern, you should be fine adding your own data to the file.  Any of
the existing implementation ought to be smart enough to skip items with
IDs that it doesn't care about.  At TI we're currently adding our own
data and there is no conflict.

Yes, but... how does one go about getting one's object instantiated around the same time that ManagedBuildInfo gets instantiated? Or just hope for the best with lazy instantiation, e.g., through interfaces and getFoobarStuff (e.g., getBinaryParser)?

Or would it be a meritorious idea to add an extension point and extensions to ManagedBuildManager so that additional build state could be instantiated? Seems to me that I'm probably not the only one who ends up with this kind of problem.

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