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Re: [cdt-dev] Linux Core Fragments

>> Or does it all just work anyway. I'm not sure how System.loadLibrary finds 
>> the libraries. There seems to be some magic there. Maybe all I need to do 
>> is simply create new fragments and move the binaries there.
>> Anyone have any insight?
>As far as I understand it, System.loadlibrary will look in your system
>library paths. Eclipse overrides this and looks in
><plugin>/os/<platform>/<arch> first (ie

I might be wrong but from my experience eclipse will ONLY look in that
folder and discard the library path entries. I could only get it to work
by placing my (Windows-)dll in this plugin subfolder. If it was only in
System32 eclipse couldn't find it.

Well, that was with eclipse3M9, I couldn't work with later versions as
the JNI didn't work anymore at all. I haven't tried 3.0.1 yet.

Sorry for ranting here on the CDT list.

bye  Fabi

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