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[cdt-dev] CDT conference call

Hi all,
today's CDT conference call will take place at 11AM EST. 
Here's the bridge info:

866-397-9631 (for those dialing in North America)
613-594-9391 (for those dialing in International)
Participant access code:  572100#

Note that this is a different bridge from last time.

Here's the preliminary agenda:

1. Update from participants
2. CDT 1.1
  - progress/schedule
  - parser/build model
  - debug
3. Core/Debug work beyond 1.1
  - model/indexer/parser
  - class browser
  - debug roadmap
4. Switch to Eclipse 2.1 (feedback, issues)
5. Communication and infrastructure
6. Documentation/testing
7. Embedded Systems activities
8. Varia

See you all at 11EST!



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