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Re: [buckminster-dev] A few general questions about Buckminster

Hi Paul,

I'll try to give you some answers here. You might want to direct future postings to our newsgroup buckminster [1] rather than buckminster-dev since the latter is intended for discussions around the development of Buckminster itself.

On 2011-04-21 10:48, Paul French wrote:
Hello Buckminster people,

Our development processes are getting painful. We have many OSGi bundles.

We are looking at introducing semantic versioning for our bundles (where the versioning scheme looks be the same as omni

I am reading through different Buckminster articles and the buck book and cannot see some answers to some questions I have:

Assume that I create a project per feature to hold my buckminster files ( a feature maybe made up of multiple bundles)

So using Buckminster, can I ....

Materialize these bundles in eclipse where buckminster uses the bundle manifest to work out the required dependencies.


How could it do this if the bundle manifest only contains Import-Package directives? Does it require a Require-Bundle
directive instead to be able to resolve other bundle dependencies?

Buckminster will not consider Import-Package directives. The approach that I'd recommend is to use a feature at the top that describes your "product" or "installable". In this feature, you list all bundles that cannot be resolved by other means. You can of course also rely on "Require-Bundle" if that suits you better. In the end, Buckminster must have information about the name of the bundle somewhere.

We want to use version ranging? What sort of repository would our bundle artifacts need to be in for Buckminster to be
able to search for the latest version of a bundle artifact?

Buckminster will always search for everything it can find that is within range. Ideally, you'd use a p2 or maven2 repository. I say ideally since it contains all meta-data necessary to avoid scanning or downloading a lot of data. But Buckminster is also capable of scanning branches or tags in a SCM (CVS, SVN, or Git repository) in order to find source.

If you already have repositories with custom meta-data, then it's very plausible that Buckminster can use them too. Let me know if that's the case and I'll try to help.

Per feature we would need a specific target platform materialized so the feature can be tested.

That shouldn't be a problem. But bear in mind that a workspace can only be attached to one target platform at a time.

Sorry for the questions, just trying to get my head around a few things.

We like questions so please keep them coming (but preferably in the buckminster newsgroup).

Kind Regards,
Thomas Hallgren


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