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Re: [buckminster-dev] Action output?

Yes there is. We simply state that if you want different properties (or
output) for different actions, then issue multiple perform commands.

Huh? It's not a question of multiple commands, it's about following a dependency chain during one command.

Assume you have action B. B is aware of buckminster.output. When it sees it it writes its output there.

Now you add action A. A is ultimately dependent on B. When you invoke A, B runs first. B sees buckminster.output and writes its output there. Then A runs. A sees buckminster.output and writes its output there...on top of B's output???

That doesn't seem sensible to me.

I prefer the KISS principle and user-friendliness in this case. The
use-case you are concerned about is not very common and it's no big
deal to issue more then one command when the need arises.

It's not a use-case, it's a way to avoid polluting a namespace. And also to avoid unintended collisions between them. I think this is a very common concern (otherwise we wouldn't obsessively use package names all over Java for example).

By blindly sending all actions the same property set, we effectively force all actions to qualify all their property names so they can be reasonably sure no one else uses the same names. Workable, but makes for a lot of typing when using those props.

All actions should run in their own 'compartment' in which they supposedly know the semantics of all the props they get. If two components start using the prop name 'data' for two completely different purposes things would break very badly. How do you propose that should work?


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