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Re: [buckminster-dev] Naming of components that are not projects

> Your suggestion to use a .buckminster directory sounds good. I think we 
> will use <wsroot>/.buckminster/externalComponents. Some more answers 
> inline.

Either I'm missing something completely or this reasoning is not sound to my 

There is nothing prohibiting a user creating a project called 
'.buckminster', thus creating confusion. I'd prefer regarding the root of 
the ws as a strictly Eclipse managed entity - i.e. we shouldn't be doing 
*anything* there unless it's through regular Eclipse mechanisms.

By similar reasoning, the directory we speak of here is something 
buckminster managed & opaque to users, right (perhaps this is where I'm 
missing it - should this dir be generally available for 'user perusal & 
mucking with'?)? And, since Eclipse already has a way to give plugins their 
own managed space inside the workspace (i.e. the 
.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.buckminster.core/... part), why shouldn't it 
go in there?

If the ext components dir should, in fact, be generally available to the 
user, I think it would be somewhat better to keep it outside of the 
workspace altogether if at all possible. Theoretically, we could get the 
desired effect by actually creating a '.buckminster' project the 
regular/programmatic way and we would then of course be free to muck around 
inside such a project just like anyone else. But if possible I think it'd be 
better to store such a 'cache' elsewhere. Defaults to 
${user.home}/.buckminster/<something> but configurable of course. The trick 
then would I guess be to correctly share some components between workspaces 
but make sure others are private to certain workspaces (hooking them up 
isn't that hard, but there could later be a garbage collection problem...).



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