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Re: [bpel-dev] question about current status of Eclipse BPEL

There are extension points in the editor and while the documentation on the side is not up to date, I did write an extensionPoints plugin that shows some of the extensions points in use.

There only N things that can be done with extension points right now: adding things to a palette is one of them, adding a custom editor for an expression language is another, adding actions to the editor is yet another one, and adding a function registry for the expression language is another one.

We clearly don't have a way of easily adding a custom activity or some other "thing" whose semantics are not defined in the core editor. Having said that, what would such a thing be ?

Some things are not extendable in the editor per se: for example, property sheets are done using

While this is not part of the edit, it is part of the eclipse eco-system and it can be used to give BPEL objects new property sheets.

The activity extensibility is on our TODO list, but this really just targets activitiy additions. Perhaps you could draw a couple of use-cases of what you would want to do ?


sam wang wrote:
Hi, there,

I am very interested in this Eclipse BPEL project and want to do some extension based on it.
However, I don't know what's the current status. for example, the workflow can be executed or not?
if there is a simple example workflow? also, the current available "BPEL Project Extension Points"
is pretty old. is there any new updating about this? I really need to know how to extend.

by the way, another question is that if this Eclipse BPEL project can be running as a standalone
application instead of Eclipse Plugin?

any suggestion or feedback will be greatly appriciated!

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