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Re: [aspectj-users] Before I forget


Here is a bit more information.  After deploying my project, which had no error markers after incremental compilation, and finding there was a compile error from a runtime exception containing:

Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: mhc.jobbank.JobListingQuery.setSuppressed(Ljava/lang/Boolean;)V

I went back, did a clean / rebuild, found the error, applied the fix and saved.  This changed the error marker on the line from a red x to a gray x, and did not clear the error from the problems view.  I re-saved and checked the AJDT Event Trace which is included below:

12:17:30 ===========================================================================================
12:17:30 Build kind = AUTOBUILD
12:17:30 Project=mhc-ejb, kind of build requested=Incremental AspectJ compilation
12:17:30 Timer event: 0ms: Flush included source file cache
12:17:30 Timer event: 1ms: Check delta
12:17:30 File: /Users/dave/Workspace/mhc/mhc-ejb/src/main/aspectj/mhc/jobbank/ has changed.
12:17:30 build: Examined delta - 1 changed, 0 added, and 0 deleted source files in required project mhc-ejb
12:17:30 Timer event: 2ms: Looking for and marking configuration changes in mhc-ejb
12:17:30      Configuration changes found: true
12:17:30 Timer event: 2ms: Look for source/resource changes
12:17:30 Setting list of classpath elements with modified contents:
12:17:30       []
12:17:30 Classpath = /Users/dave/Workspace/mhc/mhc-ejb/target/classes:/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Classes/classes.jar:/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Classes/ui.jar:/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Classes/laf.jar:/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Classes/jsse.jar:/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Classes/jce.jar:/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Classes/charsets.jar:/System/Library/Java/Extensions/AppleScriptEngine.jar:/System/Library/Java/Extensions/CoreAudio.jar:/System/Library/Java/Extensions/dns_sd.jar:/System/Library/Java/Extensions/j3daudio.jar:/System/Library/Java/Extensions/j3dcore.jar:/System/Library/Java/Extensions/j3dutils.jar:/System/Library/Java/Extensions/jai_codec.jar:/System/Library/Java/Extensions/jai_core.jar:/System/Library/Java/Extensions/mlibwrapper_jai.jar:/System/Library/Java/Extensions/MRJToolkit.jar:/System/Library/Java/Extensions/
12:17:30 Timer event: 18ms: Pre compile
12:17:30 Sending the following configuration changes to the compiler: []
12:17:30 1 source file changes since last build
12:17:30 Compiler configuration for project mhc-ejb has been read by compiler.  Resetting.
12:17:30      Configuration was []
12:17:30 Resetting list of modified source files.  Was [/Users/dave/Workspace/mhc/mhc-ejb/src/main/aspectj/mhc/jobbank/]
12:17:30 Preparing for build: planning to be an incremental build
12:17:30 Starting incremental compilation loop 1 of possibly 5
12:17:30 AJC: compiling source files
12:17:30 Timer event: 341ms: Time to first compiled message
12:17:30 AJC: compiled: /Users/dave/Workspace/mhc/mhc-ejb/src/main/aspectj/mhc/jobbank/
12:17:30 Timer event: 373ms: Time to first woven message
12:17:30 AJC: woven class mhc.jobbank.JobListingQuery (from /Users/dave/Workspace/mhc/mhc-ejb/src/main/aspectj/mhc/jobbank/
12:17:30 AJC: woven class mhc.jobbank.JobListingQuery$AjcClosure1 (from /Users/dave/Workspace/mhc/mhc-ejb/src/main/aspectj/mhc/jobbank/
12:17:30 AJC: woven class mhc.jobbank.JobListingQuery$AjcClosure3 (from /Users/dave/Workspace/mhc/mhc-ejb/src/main/aspectj/mhc/jobbank/
12:17:30 AJC: woven class mhc.jobbank.JobListingQuery$AjcClosure5 (from /Users/dave/Workspace/mhc/mhc-ejb/src/main/aspectj/mhc/jobbank/
12:17:30 addSourcelineTask message=The method appendConstraints() of type JobListingQuery should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superclass method file=/Users/dave/Workspace/mhc/mhc-ejb/src/main/aspectj/mhc/jobbank/ line=50
12:17:30 addSourcelineTask message=advice defined in h2.core.partitioned.PartitionedQueryAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] file=/Users/dave/.m2/repository/h2/h2-core/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/h2-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!h2/core/partitioned/PartitionedQueryAspect.class line=13
12:17:30 addSourcelineTask message=advice defined in h2.core.partitioned.PartitionedQueryAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] file=/Users/dave/.m2/repository/h2/h2-core/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/h2-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!h2/core/partitioned/PartitionedQueryAspect.class line=25
12:17:30 addSourcelineTask message=advice defined in h2.core.collections.SyncAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] file=/Users/dave/.m2/repository/h2/h2-core/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/h2-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!h2/core/collections/SyncAspect.class line=12
12:17:30 addSourcelineTask message=advice defined in h2.core.localized.LocalizedQueryAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] file=/Users/dave/.m2/repository/h2/h2-core/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/h2-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!h2/core/localized/LocalizedQueryAspect.class line=46
12:17:30 addSourcelineTask message=advice defined in h2.web.jsf.JSFAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] file=/Users/dave/.m2/repository/h2/h2-web/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/h2-web-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!h2/web/jsf/JSFAspect.class line=12
12:17:30 addSourcelineTask message=advice defined in h2.web.jsf.JSFAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] file=/Users/dave/.m2/repository/h2/h2-web/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/h2-web-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!h2/web/jsf/JSFAspect.class line=29
12:17:30 addSourcelineTask message=advice defined in h2.core.utils.LazyAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] file=/Users/dave/.m2/repository/h2/h2-core/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/h2-core-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!h2/core/utils/LazyAspect.class line=14
12:17:30 AspectJ reports build successful, build was: INCREMENTAL
12:17:30 AJDE Callback: finish. Was full build: false
12:17:30 Timer event: 396ms: Total time spent in AJDE
12:17:30 Timer event: 0ms: Refresh after build
12:17:30 Types affected during build = 1
12:17:30 Not adding marker for problem because it's against a resource which is not in the list of affected resources provided by the compiler. Resource=L/mhc-ejb/src/main/aspectj/mhc/jobbank/ Problem message=The method appendConstraints() of type JobListingQuery should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superclass method line=50
12:17:30 Not adding marker for problem because it's against a resource which is not in the list of affected resources provided by the compiler. Resource=P/mhc-ejb Problem message=advice defined in h2.core.partitioned.PartitionedQueryAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] line=13
12:17:30 Not adding marker for problem because it's against a resource which is not in the list of affected resources provided by the compiler. Resource=P/mhc-ejb Problem message=advice defined in h2.core.partitioned.PartitionedQueryAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] line=25
12:17:30 Not adding marker for problem because it's against a resource which is not in the list of affected resources provided by the compiler. Resource=P/mhc-ejb Problem message=advice defined in h2.core.collections.SyncAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] line=12
12:17:30 Not adding marker for problem because it's against a resource which is not in the list of affected resources provided by the compiler. Resource=P/mhc-ejb Problem message=advice defined in h2.core.localized.LocalizedQueryAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] line=46
12:17:30 Not adding marker for problem because it's against a resource which is not in the list of affected resources provided by the compiler. Resource=P/mhc-ejb Problem message=advice defined in h2.web.jsf.JSFAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] line=12
12:17:30 Not adding marker for problem because it's against a resource which is not in the list of affected resources provided by the compiler. Resource=P/mhc-ejb Problem message=advice defined in h2.web.jsf.JSFAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] line=29
12:17:30 Not adding marker for problem because it's against a resource which is not in the list of affected resources provided by the compiler. Resource=P/mhc-ejb Problem message=advice defined in h2.core.utils.LazyAspect has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch] line=14
12:17:31 Timer event: 15ms: Delete markers: mhc-ejb (Finished deleting markers for mhc-ejb)
12:17:31 Timer event: 50ms: Create markers: mhc-ejb (Finished creating markers for mhc-ejb)
12:17:31 Created 2 markers in 1 files

On Oct 13, 2009, at 12:01 PM, Andrew Eisenberg wrote:

I've also noticed that incremental compilation often seems to not update the
markers in the IDE until I've done a full rebuild.  Several times I've
deployed code from a project with no markers only to have it fail with an
exception when running that is equivalent to what the build error was.
 After a clean/rebuild the appropriate error shows up in Eclipse.  Any
recommended steps for debugging that?

Hi David,

The first steps would be to get a better idea of when this is
happening (obviously for incremental builds, but when it has happened,
do you know if you've changed an aspect recently, or only classes?,
are generics involved?), for what kinds of projects (are in path and
aspect path involved?), and what kinds of markers (are advice markers
included, or just warnings and errors?).

Then we can start trying to recreate it on a smaller project.
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