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[aspectj-users] join point in jar


I'm stuck with join points in jar file. I try with LTW. It works except for the case below: no join point is found by the aspect.

I use a configuration that launch a Java virtual machine with support for AspectJ load-time weaving (Run/Run.../AspectJ Load-Time Weaving Application): - I haven't put any "-javaagent" in the "VM arguments" field, but I added aspectjweaver.jar in the classpath.
- the Rife jar files are in classpath and in inpath

I must miss something quite obvious, but what?


I'm working with:
Version: 3.1.0
Build id: I20050627-1435
JVM 1.5.0_05-b05
Windows XP

             <!-- declare existing aspects to the weaver -->
             <aspect name="com.uwyn.ecalendar.aop.TestAop"/>
             <aspect name="com.uwyn.ecalendar.aop.TestAop2"/>
             <aspect name="com.uwyn.ecalendar.aop.TestAop3"/>
             <aspect name="com.uwyn.ecalendar.aop.TestAop5"/>
             <aspect name="com.uwyn.ecalendar.aop.TestAop6"/>

           <weaver options="-verbose -1.5 -showWeaveInfo">

package com.uwyn.ecalendar.aop;

public aspect TestAop6 {

pointcut toBeTraced6() : execution(public static String com.uwyn.rife.config.RifeConfig.Tools.getDefaultLanguage()); String around() : toBeTraced6()
System.out.println("[TestAop6.toBeTraced6] around RifeConfig.Tools.getDefaultLanguage: before " );
       String result = proceed();
System.out.println("[TestAop6.toBeTraced6] around RifeConfig.Tools.getDefaultLanguage: after -> " +result); return result;

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