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Re: [aspectj-users] List of main users

My company (VMS) is a medium sized media-monitoring concern. We're using AspectJ on our Adbase project, which is (currently) a one stop shop for internal users to search for content across all of our monitored media. We're using AspectJ to do:

* policy enforcement of several types
* limited mocking for unit tests
* implementing crosscutting business concerns (e.g. suspending automated searches on content until content has been approved by a moderator)
* crosscutting UI concerns (search term hilighting)
* design pattern implementations
* "declarative" transactions

Most recently, we've been researching Hibernate, and AspectJ has proved a huge help in our pilot migration. Just today I was working on automating bidirectional relationships using AspectJ. e.g.:

Company c = new Company();
Division d = new Division();
//c.addDivision(d);--not necessary anymore

So far so good. If it's a huge success, I might post the code somewhere.

I've been using AspectJ since just after the release of 1.0-- so I'm very familiar with it. But I've been pleasantly surprised at how quickly the team here is taking to the concepts.



Nicholas Lesiecki
Software Craftsman, specializing in J2EE,
Agile Methods, and aspect-oriented programming

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