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[aspectj-users] dependency management with aspectj


i am looking for a way to manage the dependecies
of aspects across multiple projects.

i have a project PI which defines a interface if_a
that is used by two sepearate projects P1 and P2.

i have an additional project (PA) which contains
aspects that introduces code into PI.if_a.

i want to deliver PA and PI as binary components to
the other projects. this is because PI might be used
also by a third project P3 which is not interested in
the introduced code by PA into PI.

the projects P1 and P2 then may define on which of their
classes PI.if_a is applied.

ok lets do some coding:

<code info="will syntax error">
interface PI.if_a {void execute();}

public aspect PA.introducer{
  public void PI.if_a.execute(){...}}

public aspect P1.implementer_for_PI_if_a{
   declare parents: P1.class_a implements PI.if_a;}

public aspect P2.implementer_for_PI_if_a{
   declare parents: P2.class_a implements PI.if_a;}

P2 and P1 will exchange objects of type PI.if_a.

the following parameters are given
- usage of aspectj 1.1.1
- no loadtime weaving needed (cant be done
  anyway at the moment, or can it?)
- i can enforce the usage of the aspectj compiler
  on P1 and P2
- it has to work with an ant script.

i hope its clear what i want.

thank you for your help.

ciao robertj

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