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Re: [ajdt-dev] Equinox Aspects - some doubts

Hi JP,

Equinox Aspects is nothing more than just a few bundles in addition to whatever you are already using. You just need to take care that a few options are set (osgi.framework.extensions=org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.hook) and that the org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.aspectj bundle is started at system startup.

So if you are implementing an OSGi application and are using an OSGi framework launch configuration from within Eclipse, you can set the options as system properties, select the bundles you need, set the start level of the aspectj bundle to 2, for example, and thats it.

If you are working on an Eclipse-RCP app, you can use the same launch configuration you are using as always. You just need to add the equinox aspects bundles to your launch configuration. The main question in this setting is how you get the aspectj bundle to start at the suggested start level. If you are using Eclipse 3.5M6 (or higher), than you can define this directly at the plugins tab of your launch config. If you are using another Eclipse version, you can use a custom config.ini that looks, for example, like this:

osgi.bundles=org.eclipse.equinox.common@2\:start,org.eclipse.update.configurator@3\:start,org.eclipse.core.runtime@start, org.eclipse.equinox.weaving.aspectj@4\:start

You need to have the update.configurator bundle selected in the plugins list and all the other plugins you are using, but you don't need to list all your plugins in the config.ini or somewhere else.

Does this help you?


João Paulo Sabino de Moraes wrote:
thanks Martin, but I really need anything else =P
I'm faced with dangerous problems =/, I don't know if an Equinox Aspect is
able to recognize Require-Bundle Constraint in plugins.
got this error when I was trying to run Equinox Aspects (hello.aspect) with
another plugin project, that needs Required Plugins like org.eclipse.ui,, org.eclipse.core.runtime etc, after putting this new
plugin project id at hello.launch. By the way, I think every plugin project
to be reached by Equinox Aspect has to be listed at the aspect launch
file... is it really true?.
That's it =)

thanks again!

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Martin Lippert <lippert@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi JP,

let me provide some insights... :-)

*Target Environment*

You don't *need* a specialized target platform for running Equinox Aspects.
This is currently used within some demo projects to show what minimal bundle
set you need to run an OSGi app using Equinox Aspects. If you have AJDT
installed to your SDK, then you already have the Equinox Aspects bundles
installed and you don't need a specialized target environment. This is just
useful if you separate between your IDE and the OSGi environment your
workspace projects should compile and run against.


You are right, there is no direct link to the CVS resources from the
equinox aspects website. We should fix that, absolutely right. The current
version of equinox aspects is located in the RT projects cvs tree:


Hope this helps! Let me know if you need anything else!


João Paulo Sabino de Moraes wrote:

Hello all,

I'm new in plug-in development with Aspects but lately I'm getting started
with Equinox Aspects. I've tested Hello Demo and it worked perfectly
alright, but I'm still doubted about how it really works. I didn't
understand the need of a general project with a target definition, I've
hello.aspect plugin withou it and the plugin worked with no problems too.
I've searched for demos (equinox-incubator/aspects/demos) at but I didn't find any
link related to equinox-incubator with cvs url?
I'd be glad if anyone could help me with theese problems




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