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Re: [aether-users] organizational questions (release, dependencies, future plans)

Jens v.P. wrote:

1) Release: There is/was a 0.9.0 release announced for June 2012.
However, there is no download available at Eclipse, and also at Maven
Central there is no org.eclipse.aether to be found. Instead, all I found
is the "old" sonatype aether. Is there a new release date planned, or is
it simply undefined? This also includes the question for a P2 update
site -- is it planned, and if, when?

It's undefined right now, there's some API cleanup which I haven't gotten around to yet.

A P2 update site was requested in but is likewise without ETA, unless somebody provides the required patch for it.

2) Dependencies: Fortunately, the old sonatype aether stuff is already
released as part of the m2e project. This project also contains the
Maven Indexer. However, as I only need Aether and the Indexer, I would
appreciate a separate release. Also, the m2e project seems to depend on
org.slf4j.api, which is not included in the m2e feature itself. Even
worse, it seems as if a rather new version of  org.slf4j is required
(1.6.4), which is only included in the latest orbit drop. Is it possible
to make Aether/Indexer more self-contained? E.g., by adding slf4j to a
runtime plugin similar to the m2e runtime plugin?

This sounds more like a question for the m2e devs.

3) Aether and the Indexer both rely on Plexus, and with Sisu another DI
project exists (which seems to include a Plexus/Guice adapter). On , JSR-330 support is
described as "This feature is specific to Eclipse Aether. It is
primarily mentioned as a teaser for the upcoming milestone release." I'm
quite confused by these different solutions and the announcement. What
are the plans for Aether/Indexer regarding this issue? And how to I set
up Aether/Indexer best when used by my own plugins?

I don't really understand this question. Aether offers multiple ways to wire its internal components together, i.e. you have choices, it's unclear to me what kind of confuson arises from this. And what is "best" for your own plugins depends on your criteria for "best" which you haven't detailed.

4) Aether can "only" retrieve artifacts from a given repository,
including an artifact transitive dependencies. IMHO, an abstract
repository API requires at least two functions: retrieving single
artifacts _and_ browsing/querying the repository. The latter can be
achieved by using the Maven Indexer. Consequentially the m2e project
contains both libraries, aether and the indexer. However, when using an
abstract API for querying artifacts, I do not want to break the design
by using a Maven specific indexer. Are there any plans to "include" the
indexer to the Aether project, of course in conjunction with an abstract
Aether-like API for querying the repository?

No, there are currently no plans to incorporate indexer-like functionality into Aether.


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