Sat Jun 1 2024 03:56:44 EDT
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84 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
71700 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- AspectJ option validation 2006-11-07
79283 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Show crosscutting in Visualiser based on concrete aspects 2006-03-13
79723 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [editor] Improve cross-cutting navigation 2010-06-16
85624 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Visualizer UI improvements. 2005-02-21
90685 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Show join point selection for pointcuts in outline/crosscutting/pointcut query view 2005-04-07
109363 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Enable users to specify an IMessageHolder class 2006-11-10
110597 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Update AJDT Demos 2005-09-26
119862 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Visualiser selection problems 2008-05-09
138207 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [plan] [LTW] Simplify the creation of aspect bundles 2010-12-08
140152 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Show override symbol on pointcuts 2006-05-04
143938 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Allow breakpoints to be set on pointcuts to stop execution 2006-09-23
157631 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Distinguish between different deow statements in the Visualiser 2006-09-18
158990 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- "Change default Visualiser view setting (fit to view)" 2006-12-13
161880 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- AJDT does not show markers for perthis/pertarget aspect deployment joinpoints 2006-10-22
162185 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- update AJDoc wizard to honour ajc options 2006-10-25
175348 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- AJDT Visualiser: Adding additional options in context menu 2007-02-26
235238 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- AspectJ-Mylyn structure bridge: When clicking on a folded program element that is not in the context, it is supposed to be unfolded, but this does not happen. 2008-06-09
238034 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Visual Testing framework does not work on the Mac 2008-06-21
242884 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [Navigation] In path and aspect path navigation across projects 2010-06-16
245705 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- ajdt breaks unrelated unit tests in headless mode 2008-08-29
251420 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [build] "Add JARs" in "Aspect Path" doesn't offers choosing jars from the project 2009-07-28
254628 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [editor] [outline] Advice markers pointing in wrong direction in outline view 2008-11-11
258688 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [completion] Aspect types from binary that appear in content assist have wrong icons 2009-07-23
261063 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [plan] [refactoring] Inline Aspect rename (alt-ctrl-r) fails when aspect is referenced in a pointcut 2010-12-08
263556 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [completion] Proper content assist proposals for the privileged keyword 2011-05-16
264576 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Code assist for pointcut names when writing advice 2012-07-09
265039 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [editor] Improve UI support for when there are many crosscutting relationships on a single element 2011-11-16
265225 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Incorrect unused message for method called from advice 2010-06-16
266362 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [editor] Better support for Java files in AJ editors 2010-04-28
266902 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [model] Around outgoing marker transforms to 'general' outgoing marker 2010-04-28
267716 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- after changing a file then performing 'undo' - advice markers do not return 2010-04-28
267756 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Helping annotation style developers with extra UI support 2010-04-28
268812 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [markers] Decorating elements on the in path and aspect path 2010-06-16
270986 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [content assist] Content assist for implements/extends clauses doesn't work when the type has declare parents 2010-06-16
271640 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- AJDT event trace shouldn't thrash GC 2010-04-28
279488 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- More on how Aspect Path should be calculated by AJDT 2010-06-16
280510 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [completion] Instance methods for aspects not offered from classes 2010-06-16
283747 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [handles] Problems with crosscutting model and varargs 2010-06-16
286423 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Call hierarchy doesn't work for .aj files 2010-06-16
287555 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- AJDT Cross References not usable with multiple projects 2009-08-25
288451 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- AJDT Advice Marker Configuration for External Jars 2010-06-16
288638 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Gather all the errors and then display a single error popup 2010-06-16
296275 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- New Event Trace category for pointcut matching timer info 2010-04-28
299723 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- losing my 't' on save! 2010-06-16
310020 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [plan] [refactoring] Push-In refactoring doesn't do its job when aspect and target are in same file 2010-12-08
319931 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Organize imports does not find Type reference in declare statement 2010-07-14
320947 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Quickfix to create "this" constructor called from ITD misbehaves 2010-12-08
321639 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Add the Pointcut Doctor to AJDT 2013-04-02
321920 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Cross References view squashes icons 2010-08-05
329831 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- AJDT unit tests fail in Windows 2010-12-08
330677 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Error hover has duplicate entries 2010-12-08
342909 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Clicking Cancel from Add to Inpath dialog adds everything 2013-07-03
351507 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [plan] Incorrect imports in .java file when two pushed-in ITDs import different types with same simple name 2013-07-03
389420 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- ITDs: Live evaluation features in debugging do not work 2012-09-12
389804 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- (Some) Generic Woven Methods are not Decorated 2012-09-18
399660 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- AJDT causing "does not contain a main type" error 2013-07-03
405403 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Can't optimize imports with outer class, inner aspect w/declare @field on introduced field 2013-07-03
407774 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Add save actions like Java editor has 2013-07-03
419584 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [itd] [markers] Cannot directly invoke the abstract method hello() for the type HelloInterface 2016-01-05
420207 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Override pointcuts via ctrl-click 2013-10-23
428200 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- removing reference from inPath, does not clean up regular build path 2014-02-14
492774 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- AspectJ Development Tools breaks JDT views in Eclipse Neon M7 2016-05-03
535103 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Allow to install more recent JDT 2018-05-28
549497 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Type Hierarchy fails with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/jdt/internal/core/util/BindingKeyParser$Scanner$AjcClosure1 (wrong name: org/eclipse/jdt/internal/core/util/BindingKeyParser$Scanner) 2019-07-23
559345 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- AspectJ editor fails to open 2020-01-20
561682 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Exceptions in apsectJ tools 2020-04-02
562168 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- If the path for the source in not exactly /src then the aspectj editor will not recognise aspectj ITD or join points 2020-04-15
563142 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Aspect decorations not showing for advised methods 2020-05-13
568499 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Mark AJTemplateCompletionProcessor as not requiring UI thread 2020-11-03
573106 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Package name containing 'aspect' leads to false problem alarm in aspect code editor 2021-04-23
576017 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Eclipse editor falsely flags error when using 'proceed()' in lambda expression 2021-09-16
119863 AJDT UI andrew.eisenberg NEW --- [editor] Editor ruler context menus don't match 2010-04-28
159869 AJDT UI andrew.eisenberg NEW --- [model] AJDT model doesn't manage declare warnings in aspects on aspectpath correctly 2010-06-16
237125 AJDT UI andrew.eisenberg NEW --- [editor] Identifiers used in pointcuts are not highlighted when text matching that identifier is selected 2008-06-13
405299 AJDT UI andrew.eisenberg NEW --- Bogus error markers in source 2015-09-25
395013 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- Refactoring complains about missing ITDs 2013-07-03
75233 AJDT UI andrew.eisenberg NEW --- [plan] Pointcut & advice definition wizards 2010-12-08
163102 AJDT UI lolrus NEW --- [package-explorer] Use decorated icon for output jars 2010-04-28
69896 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [plan] [refactoring] Change method signature wizard should be advice aware 2010-12-08
82544 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox NEW --- [visualiser] core dump using IBM's 142 JVM in runtime workbench 2008-08-22
275180 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox REOP --- A missing semicolon in an aspect causes the file to silently fail 2010-04-28
316847 AJDT UI AJDT-inbox REOP --- [plan] [refactoring] Ability to create new Aspect from within Pull Out refactoring 2010-12-08
324240 AJDT UI andrew.eisenberg REOP --- declare parents ... implements I.... no code completion in effected class lying in diffrent project 2010-12-08
30561 AJDT UI adrian.colyer REOP --- improper syntax highlighting 2009-08-30
84 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "UI" component of the "AJDT" product