The custom sort order specified contains one or more invalid column names: component%2Cbug_status%2Cpriority%2Cassigned_to%2Cbug_id. They have been removed from the sort list.
Fri May 31 2024 23:11:09 EDT
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13 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
29111 AspectJ Compiler jim-aj REOP --- Inter-type field decs of array types can't put brackets after id 2009-08-30
33636 AspectJ Compiler jim-aj REOP --- after() and around() advice does not work on handler join points. 2009-08-30
36810 AspectJ Compiler adrian.colyer REOP --- Null static part of thisJoinPoint 2009-08-30
37898 AspectJ Compiler adrian.colyer NEW --- advice on handler join points can throw unpermitted checked exceptions 2009-07-22
311652 Platform UI platform-ui-triaged NEW --- [Viewers] Improve Virtual TreeViewer performance 2019-09-06
421595 Jubula ( RC jubula.rc-inbox NEW --- JavaFX toolkit support 2015-12-11
458408 Jubula ( UA NEW --- Jubula - known limitations when working with MySQL database instance 2022-11-10
459191 Jubula ( Core jubula.core-inbox NEW --- Jubula client API 2023-06-14
467673 Jubula ( RC jubula.rc-inbox NEW --- JFace toolkit support 2015-05-20
468428 Jubula ( Core jubula.core-inbox NEW --- Various log entries for ITE / RC / AUT-Agent / autrun 2023-09-12
470025 Jubula ( Core jubula.core-inbox NEW --- Jubula component system for abstracted and actual UI toolkits / components 2023-06-22
470373 Jubula ( RC jubula.rc-inbox NEW --- JaCoCo integration in Java-based AUTs 2016-03-22
521566 z_Archiv Eclipsel nobody NEW --- Documentation Missing Support 2022-06-09
13 bugs found.
