Wed Jun 12 2024 21:30:45 EDT
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86 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
206195 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [util] Add utility components to MWE 2009-08-17
282389 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- WorkflowRunner support platform URLs 2010-05-06
287849 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [MaterializeTargetPlatform] Provide a meaningful error message if a property is not set. 2009-08-27
289288 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Proposed refactoring of MWEDebuggerLauncher, MWELaunchShortcut, and MWELaunchDelegate to offer more flexibility (extensibility) and usability 2009-09-12
293953 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- MWE Launch code incorrectly handles debug mode selection 2009-11-02
294168 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- DirectoryCleaner not working when called with Maven from parent project 2009-11-04
297401 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [releng] MaterializeTargetPlatform does not handle repositoryURLs/pluginIDsToInstall 2009-12-09
301171 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- SAX Exception when slashes used in the name of a file 2010-01-28
305322 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- UML2 profile not loaded properly 2010-03-10
305967 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- getting to the issues in the WorkflowRunner 2010-03-16
305968 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Provide API for custom workflow xml AST parsing 2010-03-16
306207 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [MWE2] The duration of the workflow-execution should be reported 2010-05-06
307823 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Unable to pass command parameters in debug mode 2010-04-01
309003 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [MWE2] Provide Eclipse Application wrapper for Mwe2Launcher 2010-08-07
310077 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- EType reference of EReference serialization, relative paths do not resolve into absolute ones 2010-10-13
310429 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- MWE2 does not create lists transparently 2011-06-04
318721 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Make MWE2 work in OSGi 2018-12-13
321046 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- A value of type 'org.eclipse.emf.mwe.utils.StandaloneSetup' can not be assigned to the feature addBean 2011-01-25
321472 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Missing sources 2010-08-02
321477 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Documentation problems 2010-08-02
321478 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- No warning for bad import 2010-08-02
321697 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [mwe2] Allow referencing inner classifiers 2020-10-19
321953 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Abstract workflow support in MWE2 2010-08-06
322107 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Reuse Equinox Extension point registry in non OSGI-Mode 2010-08-09
322156 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [MWE2 LaunchConfig] LaunchConfig sometimes doesn't show 'Run As .. -> MWE2 Workflow' 2010-08-09
324894 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [mwe2] Could not resolve reference to type "Workflow" when creating a new file 2010-09-09
324964 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Allow derived properties 2010-09-11
327082 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [launch] Trim param name and value 2010-10-11
327750 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- MWE2 Writer cannot handle models without feature "name" 2010-10-14
328438 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- NPE when trying to start MWE workflow 2011-12-08
330120 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- No diagnosis of ambiguous module 2011-07-15
332168 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [mwe2] [runtime] provide api to interrupt workflow execution 2011-06-07
332212 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Cannot use keywords in module name 2010-12-09
334255 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Cannot resolve referenced modules 2011-01-13
335018 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [MWE2] Introduce an error reporting channel for IWorkflowComponents 2011-01-21
335019 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [MWE2] Lower minimum requirements for running an MWE2 workflow 2011-01-21
340179 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- NullpointerException in DebugTargetProxy while debugging into a org.eclipse.emf.mwe WorflowComponent 2011-03-17
342388 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- IllegalStateException: Could not create binding for ... open Project 2011-04-11
348390 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [outline] Confusing outline nodes for components 2011-08-25
349678 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [mwe2] validation of "module" declaration 2011-06-19
353542 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- StandaloneSetup not robust in case of ambiguous .project file 2011-08-02
354460 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Missing example bean property documentation 2011-08-11
354575 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- StandaloneSetup.scanClassPath does not configure platform:/plugin 2011-08-12
354591 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [MWE2] Class Identifiers for Associations 2011-08-12
361429 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- NPE registering a proxy genmodel 2011-10-19
361431 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- GenModelHelper doesn't initialize genmodel consistently 2013-05-08
371612 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [mwe2-ui] Error popup when invoking formatter on invalid workflow 2012-02-15
374862 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.emf.mwe.utils.StandaloneSetup.scanFolder() takes ages on large workspace 2012-03-21
377402 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- MWE2 Launcher: Avoid NPE in InternalFileSystemCore 2012-04-23
378053 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Use module name in launch config 2012-04-30
380108 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- StandaloneSetup support for bundle-shape: dir or unpack=true 2012-05-21
380264 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Problem running the .mwe2 file as a MWE2 workflow 2012-05-30
381322 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [MWE2] Cannot reference inner class 2012-06-01
383496 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- MWE2 validator neglects to set JDT type provider 2012-07-03
389710 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [EcoreGenerator] throw an error if srcPath has invalid format 2012-09-17
390817 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Can't open legacy UML2 files in Juno via org.eclipse.emf.mwe.utils.Reader 2012-10-04
396408 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Unhelpful additionalData signature for Issues 2012-12-12
402879 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.emf.mwe.core dependency to org.apache.commons.logging should be upgraded from 1.0.4 to 1.1.1 2013-03-11
405268 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [EcoreGenerator] reconcile deletes required but unresolvable GenPackages 2013-04-09
423305 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [mwe2] Xpand's ExtIssueReporter no longer works in MWE2 2013-12-05
436742 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [MWE2] unsolicited validations of arbitrary MWE2 files 2014-06-05
446300 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Confusion between absolute path and canonical path 2014-10-08
452664 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [mwe2] Download antlr generator when running workflow 2014-11-21
463493 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [EcoreGenerator] Prevent that EcoreGenerator produces no output while not raising error. 2015-03-30
471263 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Unhelpful comment completion assist. 2015-06-29
474259 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- better failure mode when .project is not found 2015-08-04
474709 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [MWE2] Xpand check failures uninformative: regression with respect to MWE 2015-08-11
475098 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Mwe2Launcher doesn't work with recent versions of exec-maven-plugin 2020-02-04
484574 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- DebugMonitor.finished suspends redundantly 2016-05-09
484816 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Debugger can not locate workflow files 2015-12-22
507834 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- StandaloneSetup reports classpath output folders 2016-11-20
517156 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Release is being N-built. 2017-05-24
525884 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [MWE] Creating a new SAXParserFactory in WorkflowParser.parse() causes a performance bottleneck 2018-07-26
528475 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Confusing/non-standard handling of absolute file paths 2017-12-12
528483 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Spurious StandaloneSetup conflict diagnosis 2017-12-12
533360 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- org.apache.commons.cli_1.2.0.v201404270220.jar needs to be signed again 2019-10-21
544178 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Incorrectly named milestone ZIP 2019-02-06
550756 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- EcoreGenerator should not have to come after anything in workflow 2021-08-21
570009 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Inadequate status line 2021-01-01
576280 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- Multiple snooze 2021-09-30
582553 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- MWE2 mode of Compare Editor cannot edit 2023-10-20
287272 EMFT MWE karsten.thoms NEW --- Move Ant support to separate plugin 2010-01-17
206194 EMFT MWE zajka2309 NEW --- [doc] Create reference document for debugger integration 2007-10-12
336144 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox NEW --- [MWE2] Turn MWE2 launch configurations into external tool builders 2011-02-03
352731 EMFT MWE karsten.thoms ASSI --- CompositeComponent has no default constructor 2011-08-23
446637 EMFT MWE emft-mwe-inbox REOP --- Optionally warn if mwe2 files are filtered from bin/ 2014-10-10
86 bugs found.


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