Sat Jun 1 2024 17:45:10 EDT
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89 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
224855 JDT Core philippe_mulet RESO DUPL [1.5][compiler] Cast failure in 3.4 that works in 3.3 2008-04-10
79112 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE [1.5] [model] accessing annotation on Java elements 2007-12-05
154071 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE No notification of change if a project is added or removed from a container 2007-10-29
192875 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI FIXE [compiler][options][null] Set "Null pointer access" to warning by default 2007-10-29
44627 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [assist] improve content assist for static members when import missing 2007-10-29
74599 JDT Core david_audel VERI DUPL [assist] code assist should suggest classes for unknown type 2007-10-29
114688 JDT Core david_audel VERI DUPL allow code assist more conveniently after the dot 2007-10-29
152883 JDT Core david_audel VERI DUPL NPE in Parser.endParser(int) when statement recovery is activated 2007-10-29
165444 JDT Core david_audel VERI DUPL [assist] proposals with imports should also work for static accesses 2007-10-29
188053 JDT Core david_audel VERI DUPL NPE in Parser.endParse( 2007-12-07
193909 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE improve content assist after 'instanceof' 2007-10-29
204417 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE NullPointerException in SelectionOnQualifiedAllocationExpression.resolveType 2008-05-16
204662 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser.endParse throws NullPointerException 2007-11-05
206336 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [assist] CompletionProposal#getTokenStart() return always 0 2007-10-29
207418 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE Need API on CompletionRequestor to ignore all proposals 2007-10-29
207465 JDT Core david_audel VERI FIXE [assist] CompletionRequestor javadoc doesn't specify if 'isIgnored' has an effect on required proposals 2007-10-30
73352 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI FIXE [Javadoc] Missing description should be warned for all tags 2008-03-16
86769 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI FIXE [javadoc] Warn/Error for 'Missing javadoc comments' doesn't recognize private inner classes 2007-10-29
125518 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI FIXE [javadoc] Embedding html in a link placed in a @see JavaDoc tag causes a warning 2007-10-29
168849 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI FIXE [javadoc] Javadoc warning on @see reference in class level docs. 2007-10-29
176701 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI DUPL [javadoc] Empty @param javadocs not caught as errors in tags 2007-10-29
188712 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI WORK Initializing Java Tooling blocks user operations 2009-03-19
190970 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI FIXE [javadoc] "field never read locally" analysis should not consider javadoc 2007-10-29
192449 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI FIXE [javadoc][assist] SelectionJavadocParser should not report problems 2007-10-29
195374 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI FIXE [javadoc] Missing Javadoc warning for required qualification for inner types at 1.4 level 2008-06-23
204108 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI FIXE unused import in jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding 2007-10-29
238020 JDT Core eric_jodet VERI DUPL [javadoc] Invalid member type qualification 2010-10-26
201426 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] New SearchPattern constant R_CAMEL_CASE_MATCH name may be misleading for users 2007-10-29
204893 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI WONT [search] fake overridden method and search references 2007-10-29
206028 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI INVA [search] Improve dummy search query performance 2007-10-29
207257 JDT Core frederic_fusier VERI FIXE [search] SearchEngine returns incorrectly typed SearchMatch when searching for local variable declarations 2007-10-29
175992 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI DUPL [javadoc] Provide Compiler Warnings for empty @param and @exception JavaDoc tags 2007-10-29
190394 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI DUPL IElementChangedListener not being properly notified when Java Annotation changes 2007-10-30
195506 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI WORK Useless full workspace rebuild after updating one "Installed JRE" 2007-10-30
203965 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI WONT Sort members incorrect sorts dependant variables 2007-10-29
204019 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI WORK IDE blocked 2007-10-29
204298 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI INVA serial warnings showing up on abstract classes when using 3.4M2 2007-10-29
205046 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI DUPL runtime error using labeled blocks 2007-10-29
206175 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI WORK API Request for creation of User Libs 2007-10-30
207313 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI INVA Sourcefolder include pattern doesn't work correct. classfiles are always ignored 2007-10-30
207915 JDT Core jdt-core-inbox VERI INVA [1.5][compiler] Switch on enum requires default case even if all enum entries are covered 2007-10-30
111261 JDT Core jdt-text-inbox VERI DUPL code assist could be smarter and import automatically 2007-10-29
106108 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI DUPL inconsistent treatment of Modifiers and Annotations 2007-11-29
190094 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Java Outline Causes Eclipse Lock-up. 2007-10-30
203304 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Allow to format set of regions 2007-11-02
204805 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE ICompilationUnit.commitWorkingCopy doesn't send typeHierarchyChanged 2007-10-30
205847 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE [compiler] Compiler referencing Java model code 2007-10-29
206021 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE Improve progress reporting in "Initializing Java Tooling" job 2007-10-31
206027 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE [performance] JavaCore#initializeAfterLoad - Util.setSourceAttachmentProperty performance 2007-10-31
207445 JDT Core jerome_lanneluc VERI FIXE IMemberValuePair with heterogenous array values should be of kind K_UNKNOWN 2007-10-30
180107 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE [PERF] need CompilationParticipant.buildComplete() API 2007-10-29
191931 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE BatchImageBuilder sometimes marks resources as derived before deleting them 2007-10-29
200016 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] better error message when enum constants must implement methods 2007-10-29
200026 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] compiler message on incomplete enum declarations 2007-10-29
203587 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE Improve messages consistency in case of generic methods having same erasure 2007-10-29
204006 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI WORK Indirectly referenced class compile error in Eclipse 3.3 2007-10-29
204339 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE [compiler] Invalid length for missing package declaration in empty file 2007-10-29
204534 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] Annoying consequence of method verification problem 2007-10-29
204589 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI WONT Batch compiler does not copy resources 2007-10-29
205235 JDT Core kent_johnson VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] Eclipse syntax highlighting flag correct syntax as a hierarchy cycle 2009-12-16
122885 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI FIXE [builder] Project build states should not store the access restrictions templates 2007-10-29
200724 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI FIXE [compiler] Assignment with no effect undetected 2007-10-29
203721 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI FIXE [compiler] "Parameter is never read" not reported if unnecessary declared checked exception 2007-10-29
206470 JDT Core maxime_daniel VERI DUPL test012b of BatchCompilerTests is failing on v_819 2007-10-29
195823 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE ClassFormatException during class file indexing 2007-12-18
203579 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [dom] Length of VariableDeclarationFragment is not the same inside a 'for' initialisation 2007-10-29
203609 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [1.6][compiler] AccSynthetic should be set for package-info type if target >= 1.6 2007-10-29
204040 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE Class literal code generation must be improved for cldc target 2007-10-30
204283 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [compiler] synthetic field for class literal access should not be created for int.class 2007-10-29
205275 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI WORK java.lang.VerifyError: in eclipse compiler during commons-net import 2007-10-29
205596 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI DUPL ClassFormatException during class file indexing 2007-10-29
206483 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE [compiler][1.7] 1.7 VMs cannot read .class files generated with target 1.7 2007-10-29
206522 JDT Core Olivier_Thomann VERI FIXE Chkpii error in N20071016-0010 2007-10-29
89940 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] wrong cast allowed 2007-10-29
90433 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI INVA [1.5][compiler] Comparing class objects by '==' 2007-10-29
90437 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] Casting with Erasure generates warning in Eclipse but ERROR with JDK 2007-10-29
120088 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] Incomparable types - object.getClass() == Some.class 2007-10-29
121024 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] Call of parametrized method reported ambiguous by eclipse not by javac 2007-10-29
127533 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] warning on unused @SuppressWarnings annotations 2016-11-03
133803 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI DUPL [1.5][compiler] Illegal cast from bounded wildcard allowed 2007-10-29
148046 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [compiler][1.5] should raise an incompatible types error when a given type variable cannot fulfill its bounds 2007-10-29
158870 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] javac inconvertible types on cast allowed by Eclipse 2008-04-14
165352 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] Cast should be rejected 2007-10-29
168230 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] Non-generic methods can be called with type arguments 2007-10-30
204536 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] Type variables insufficiently connected in presence of errors 2007-10-30
205594 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI INVA [1.5][compiler] False compiler error 2007-10-29
207299 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI FIXE [1.5][compiler] StackOverflow when eliminating type variables 2007-10-29
207560 JDT Core philippe_mulet VERI INVA [1.5][compiler] @SuppressWarnings("all") should not suppress unhandled warning tokens 2007-10-29
222933 JDT Core srikanth_sankaran CLOS DUPL [1.5][compiler] The hierarchy of the type Foo is inconsistent with interface Generics 2010-03-08
89 bugs found.
