Wed Jun 12 2024 10:50:48 EDT
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43 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
360122 WTP Java wst.web ccc NEW --- Add source folder mappings to Deployment Assembly when java and wst.web facets coexist 2014-05-22
205408 WTP Java wst.web cbridgha NEW --- Linking Web Context Roots like "Java Resources" 2010-11-04
257745 WTP Java wst.web ccc NEW --- New Dynamic WebProject wizard doesn't update correctly 2009-09-28
197221 WTP Java wst.web galileo NEW --- Adding a project as a module dependency modifies the project 2012-05-01
232502 WTP Java wst.web shr31223 NEW --- TVT34:TCT307: PLK: truncation in "New static web project" wizard 2012-05-01
118672 WTP Java wst.web cbridgha NEW --- [j2ee] Extension-point requires implementation of interface marked as internal 2006-05-03
193788 WTP Java wst.web ccc NEW --- Inconsistent Web & XML preferences 2008-06-04
389007 WTP Java wst.web jmmunoz NEW --- Meta-files should not be considered module members 2012-09-12
365529 WTP Java wst.web jst.j2ee-inbox NEW --- Changing the Deploy Path in the Deployment Assembly can lead to unexpected results 2011-12-04
197891 WTP Java wst.web kaloyan NEW --- Just process the ordinary project dependencies to deploy into WEB-INF 2008-09-01
93760 WTP Java wst.web kathy NEW --- Cannot launch the Web Services Explorer on RHEL 4.0 2007-09-14
93881 WTP Java wst.web kathy NEW --- XML parsing error in SOAP Request Envelope 2007-09-14
162476 WTP Java wst.web stryker NEW --- [project creation] DataModelFacetCreationWizard Index out of bounds (-1) 2011-05-23
318521 WTP Java wst.web stryker NEW --- [wtp] js dependency project not exported in static web projects' deployed layout 2014-02-13
202224 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- The menu item Run As>>Run On Server doesn't exist if JST or JDT is not installed. 2007-09-05
222149 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- WAR Export dialog destination combo - cursor reset to position 0 when typing 2008-03-10
225848 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Box In Static Web Project Wizard Does Not Automatically Resize Itself 2008-11-24
226215 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- UI Issue: Generate Deployment Descriptor Checkbox and JSF 2008-04-08
226327 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Static Web Project Wizard: Facet pages do not show if project name not entered 2008-04-09
234202 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Inconsistent button sizes on "New Dynamic Web Project" wizard 2008-05-27
270862 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- uninstalling static web module facet removes module core nature 2009-04-01
296134 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Reconsider DelegateConfigurationElement since its violates API 2009-11-26
310143 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Name of Web perspective not translatable 2010-04-22
314364 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- InvocationTargetException trapped in DefaultEcoreBuilder when web.xml manipulated while offline/disconnected 2010-05-25
319187 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Change in Java Server Faces include libraries does not update .classpath <attribute name="org.eclipse.jst.component.dependency" value="/WEB-INF/lib"/> for selected library and selected libraries are not published to Tomcat WEB-INF/lib directory 2010-07-07
347222 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Unable to change "Dynamic Web Module" facet version 2011-08-10
365287 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Incompatible Classpath on a Maven Multiproject (M2E) and WTP 2012-01-14
366291 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Eclipse not displaying all the options completely in New Dynamic Web Project Wizard 2011-12-11
416346 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Eclipse deletes wb-resource entries on Project import 2017-06-07
420236 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Project explorer shows package outside of src folder 2013-10-24
421201 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Dynamic web project fails to deploy dependent project jar files to WEB-INF/lib 2013-11-07
434851 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Libra mis-using FlatComponentDeployable, has null component, causes NPE 2014-05-14
455503 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Cannot open Dynamic Web Project wizard if the default version of java facet is higher than the currently available 2014-12-17
505889 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Renaming web project allows whitespace characters in name and does not put underscore there. 2016-10-13
526649 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- Eclipse EAR Export Bug 2017-11-11
570465 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox NEW --- The context root is empty and cannot apply changes from web project settings in proejct properties 2021-03-08
168585 WTP Java wst.web zalapa NEW --- Performance issue in StaticWebDeployableObjectAdapterUtil? 2011-01-20
107341 WTP Java wst.web kaloyan NEW --- [junit] Support HttpUnit testing by adding a page to the new JUnit wizard 2010-01-28
463370 WTP Java wst.web dariog ASSI --- Deployment Assembly page reads "Define packaging structure for this Java EE Web Application project" on static web projects. 2015-05-14
388704 WTP Java wst.web jmmunoz ASSI --- Meta-files should not be considered module members 2012-09-12
402018 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox ASSI --- After minutes of use it takes 10-30 seconds to save due waiting for background operation 2014-02-21
175991 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox REOP --- Uninstallation of natures which are prerequisite of other natures, causing exception. 2009-02-24
353961 WTP Java wst.web wst.web-inbox REOP --- Maker(표준 부품명) 등록이 편하도록 개선 2011-08-08
43 bugs found.
