Sun Jun 2 2024 14:18:48 EDT
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65 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
465422 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox UNCO --- Unhandled event loop exception 2015-11-04
465424 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox UNCO --- Error setting focus to : org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.PartImpl Outline 2015-11-04
471435 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox UNCO --- Eclipse application hangs for couple of minutes, not responsive. 2015-11-04
484982 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox UNCO --- EGIT History View Empty. Exception Thrown: Unhandled event loop exception 2015-12-30
486286 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox UNCO --- Team Menu show History 2016-01-21
496826 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox UNCO --- After fresh install of Eclipse Neon, connecting to Marketplace fails 2016-06-27
497173 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox UNCO --- Hibernate Tools Plugin does not accept DB url with hyphen 2016-07-03
507249 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox UNCO --- error while formatting code 2016-11-08
511588 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox UNCO --- NullPointerException during plugin startup 2017-02-02
515187 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox UNCO --- Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.ui.workbench". 2017-04-28
526152 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox UNCO --- Unable to create class 'org.eclipse.ui.internal.LegacyTrim' from bundle '818' when staring eclipse with a new workspace on Mac OS X High Siearra 2017-12-20
527127 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox UNCO --- Rules Manager - Not opening project Reusable Ruleset 2017-11-10
529616 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox UNCO --- issue while testing connection 2018-01-10
577933 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox UNCO --- Unable to add JBoss AS / Wildfly server 2021-12-22
464007 EPP jee-pack cbridgha NEW --- Improve Welcome/About description 2015-05-07
239377 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Could improve "how to get source" instructions 2011-08-23
265948 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- It is not possible to uninstall any component from eclipse bundle (e.g. j2ee) 2010-12-21
306492 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- The console and the editor cannot display the character exactly 2019-08-29
309935 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- When started Eclipse displays a message: the Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library 2012-02-01
320614 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Update of Java EE IDE fails due to missing dependency on Mylyn 2010-07-28
361062 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Periodic workspace save 2011-10-16
362048 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- eclipse java ee ide update problem 2011-12-15
368367 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Eclipse.exe ICON mismatch 2012-04-18
380080 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Cannot upgrade to Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 2012-05-25
384419 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- [KeyBindings] Can't unbind the ESC key from closing a detached editor 2012-07-05
388311 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- JUNO j2ee ide is not starting. throws an error saying to <eclipse install dir>\configuration\*.log 2012-09-25
389859 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- duplicate Information in the Progress tab appears twice 2012-09-19
414369 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- out of heap while building the workspace for most akka projects - fixed with increased heap 2013-08-31
414663 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- IDE fails to load [Mac] after update 2013-08-08
429321 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Include Mylyn Builds component in packages 2014-02-28
441843 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- By default enable "Refresh using native hooks" and "Refresh on access" 2014-08-15
459163 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Update problem - no repository - for Target Management Home 2015-02-04
459313 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Eclipse crashes 2015-02-11
460941 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- dark theme breaks on JEE views and features 2015-02-26
462517 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- An error has occurred. See error log for more details. 2015-11-24
466103 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- M6 downloads available today are invalid packages for OSX. I have tried from different mirrors. 2015-05-06
470430 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Oomph preference recorder causing unexpected results 2015-08-18
472108 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Problew when try to open Eclipse 2016-04-08
481601 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Packages MUST set lower version of feature 2015-11-09
483561 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Inspect window close when try to resize 2017-03-05
488993 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Include Memory Analyzer Tools in Java EE package 2016-03-04
492707 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Upgrading to Mars 4.5.2 fails because of missing items 2018-10-18
496632 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- AssertionFailedException in AbstractTextEditor$TextEditorSavable 2016-06-23
503463 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Reopen Update does not work 2016-10-05
515330 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.jface". 2019-09-27
522712 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Eclipse for JEE does not include PDE extension point schemas 2021-03-19
533975 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- [Accessibility] issues in Windows "high contrast" mode. 2018-04-24
536107 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Cant Delete projects 2018-06-20
538811 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Problem Opening Wizard for an installed plugin 2018-09-07
550519 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers NEON 4.6 - Maven project 2020-04-20
553684 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Virus scan of Eclipse package reports Java/CVE-2011-3544.dn malware 2021-09-20
563909 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Add @2x windowImages for JEE 2020-06-03
567504 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Included JRE does not use system cacerts 2023-04-07
576275 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Error in log file 2021-09-27
577904 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Windows 7 update makes eclipse installer and eclipse 2021-12 not work with dll error 2022-01-12
580852 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- yml file can't use shortcut key to add comment. 2022-10-03
580990 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- create dynamic web project 5.0 2024-03-13
581986 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Bug In Eclipse Ide 2023-05-27
581987 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Error While Running Jakarta EE 10 on Eclipse IDE 2023-05-30
582406 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- Cannot avoid web.xml creation even if option unchecked during project creation 2023-09-13
583230 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- the error occurs when accessing libraries from the code writing window, as well as when opening the Eclipse marketplace 2024-05-07
583296 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox NEW --- While opening marketplace after loading it crashes. Thu 09:02
367258 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox ASSI --- Duplicate parameters in eclipse.ini file 2021-12-20
498145 EPP jee-pack sewe ASSI --- Bundle-Vendor/Bundle-Name not properly externalized 2018-09-11
428098 EPP jee-pack epp.packager-inbox REOP --- "Invalid" message when trying to unzip 2014-02-13
65 bugs found.


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