Sun Jun 2 2024 18:05:33 EDT
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16 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
552167 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox UNCO --- On a Drop tool, variable oldcontainer unusable if dragging from Model 2019-10-17
469250 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox NEW --- feature request : reuse the same tool for many tree items 2015-06-05
482324 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox NEW --- Need to add Decoration to Tree View items 2015-11-17
485123 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox NEW --- Underline and Strike font format not working with tree dialect 2016-01-07
510519 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox NEW --- [PERFO] Seems like Tree content creation can get into a n^n (or similar) complexity in some cases 2017-01-16
517136 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox NEW --- Improvements of validation of interpreted expressions of the tree specification 2017-06-12
520765 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox NEW --- Direct Edit on tree elements should have the same behaviour than on diagram elements. 2017-08-16
526185 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox NEW --- [Feature Request] Copy&Past of elements in tree and table representations 2017-10-18
530557 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox NEW --- [PERFO] Improve performance of trees collapsing/expanding in tree editors 2018-02-01
530558 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox NEW --- [API] Programmatic access to unexpanded nodes in tree editors 2018-02-01
536016 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox NEW --- Manual refresh option ignored for tree 2018-11-23
536039 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox NEW --- The filter functionality does not always show item labels or items 2018-06-21
538918 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox NEW --- Reduce the amount of custom code in the tree metamodel 2022-01-13
545938 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox NEW --- Tree Representation: No container variable in "Delete Item" tool 2020-05-05
580646 Sirius Tree sirius.tree-inbox NEW --- Wrong tree item expand behavior after creation of elements using references 2022-09-09
509519 Sirius Tree pierre-charles.david REOP --- [PERFO] Seems like Tree content creation can get into a n^n (or similar) complexity in some cases 2018-09-07
16 bugs found.
