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Re: [science-iwg] web Re: e3 or e4


> Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2016 09:10:06 +0000
> From: <Matt.Gerring@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ..I made a RAP version of DAWN a few years back and the plotting in draw2d mostly worked, as did many of the tools but we hit the static data problem
Many key pieces of CS-Studio alternatively compile and run with RAP instead of plain SWT.
That’s very convenient from the implementation point of view. Single-source RCP code magically appears on the web.
But it has not been practical for our operational setups. Our displays work fine with RCP, where a GC.draw* operation directly draws on the screen. With RAP, that turns into JavaScript polling for updates, server then sending JSON with drawing operations like 
[ "call", "gc55", "draw", { "operations": [ [ "beginPath" ], [ "rect", 0.0, 0.0, 1470.0, 441.0 ], [ "fill" ], [ "strokeStyle", [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ] ], [ "font", [ [ “Verdana” ..

So basically a lot of text is sent over the network, to be interpreted by Javascript on the client side.
The end result is slow, it can’t compete with a smarter setup where you only send the data, like “xyz=3.14” and the Javascript code then knows how to update some section of the HTML to reflect that value.
That can be done, but then you’re fully into regular web development, doing a lot of custom Javascript, which is what I’d like to avoid because we’re not Amazon/Google.

> From: Jay Jay Billings
> Sent: 11 September 2016 01:38
> ..I'm strongly leaning towards Eclipse Scout…
If you learn more about that, please consider keeping the mailing list updated, maybe do a google hangout with a demo of what works well, and what doesn’t.


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