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[recommenders-dev] Crowdsourced Hippie Completion - Trial Runs

Hi there!

I'd like to ask you to give our latest completion engine a try :-) We call that lovely engine "Hippie Completion" in the spirit of Emacs' Hippie Completion - but of course it's more than just a plain hippie thing: It's crowdsourced, which means that it tracks which (call!) completion proposals you selected in the past and shares this knowledge with a central server. 
From this data (essentially a tuple <Java Type, Method proposal applied> ) the server generates new recommendation models every hour which, in turn, get's downloaded by your IDE every 5 hours or on restart. So you will automatically get updates of the recommendation models as you contribute to the crowd.

To enable the engine you just need to activate the Hippie Completion under "Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist > Advanced > Hippie Completion". Which data will be shared can be configured in "Preferences > Code Recommenders > Hippie" and "Preferences > Code Recommenders > Woodstock Sharing". By default we collect data for org.eclipse.*, org.apache.*,*, org.jboss.*, and - of course - java.* and javax.*.

The official release is planned for next Wednesday. So if you find any problems, please let us know as soon as possible.
We'd also love to hear how you feel about it. After all it's again quite experimental stuff we are doing ;-) 

The new completion engine can be installed from the codetrails update site [1].


P.S.: Please note that we produce updates every few hours. So, please enable your auto-update in Eclipse Preferences > Install/Update > Automatic Updates to always get the latest copy of Hippie Completion.

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