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Re: [mosquitto-dev] Bridge connection over Websockets

I was wondering if it's there would be a downside of developing what you need as an external program that sits between your two brokers, and does the conversion to websockets.

1. Program is listening to TCP (+TLS) on one side.
2. When a client connects, it starts the connection to the WS side.
3. If connection on WS succeeds, it starts passing MQTT packets back and forth between both sides.

For authentication with username/password, you should have no problem (It's passed transparently). For mutual authentication, maybe client credentials need to be deposited in the program, so they are used on behalf of the client.

As a separate tool, it can evolve separate from mosquitto, without it's development pace being limited by mosquitto's project. Also, it can be developed in whatever language you prefer. At the same time, it would avoid mosquitto's bridge code from becoming too complex for a not so popular feature (I might be wrong).

What do you think of the option of keeping it separate?

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