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Re: [m2e-users] Inconsistent behavior in GAV completions in "Add" dialog

Just a general warning, the indexes are quite large (iirc 500mb+) and will be duplicated in every workspace.

On 12 January 2016 at 18:04, Adrien Rivard <adrien.rivard@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
AFAIK completions are available if Eclipse has downloaded index from either maven central or from your private repository manager .
Check that it is enabled in Eclipse (Preferences> Maven> Download repository indexes at startup.
If you are using a private repository manager check that it is generating indexes.

Note that completions are also available from anything you have in your .m2/repository local cache.


On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 7:26 PM, KARR, DAVID <dk068x@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm having a lot of trouble getting m2e to give me available completions for GAV coordinates in the "Add" dialog.  It's very inconsistent.  I'm sometimes getting completions on the group id and artifact id, but I've yet to see anything come up in the version field.  I'm sometimes seeing results from the search field, and sometimes not.

At this moment, when I enter the same group id prefix on both boxes, I get nothing for completions on the CentOS box, and on the Ubuntu box, I get the two possible group id completions.

I'm testing this on Mars.1, on two different boxes, one Ubuntu and one CentOS. Both have the same ~/.m2/settings.xml files.  On one box, after I manually add a dependency, I get better results from the group id and artifact id fields, although that's somewhat later than I needed it. :)

I've checked the logs on both boxes, and I don't see anything related to this.  What else can I do to diagnose this?
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Adrien Rivard

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