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Re: [lsp4e-dev] Question to snippet support in LSP4E

On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 2:27 PM, Ofterdinger, Markus <markus.ofterdinger@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Is the variable support / replacement part of the LSP4E plugin?

Yes, it should be supported. See LSIncompleteCompletionProposal, line 293 to 370 for the part of logic which does that, and some related tests in  CompleteCompletionTest.
If it’s currently not supported, are there plans to provide this feature in a future release?

Snippets should work as described in the Language Server Protocol. If you think LSP4E is not behaving as defined by the specification, or think it can do some things better, please open bugs and try to contribute patches. It shouldn't be too hard to work on it as there is alraedy a test suite, so it's mostly a matter of adding the proper test and finding the bug and fixing it.

Or should the variable handling done by the consumer of the LSP4E plugin itself? If yes, what would be the right hook / extension point to get into this game to replace the variables before the snippet is added to the document?

Everything that's part of the protocol is supposed to work out-of-the-box without specific hook. The fix should happen directly in LSP4E.


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