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[lsp4e-dev] Question to snippet support in LSP4E

Hi all,


I’m using the LSP4E plugin in version 0.4.0 to increate a LSP-compatible language server into Eclipse. This language server supports code snippets and provides them in the list of completion proposals. One snippet for example looks like this:


“context ${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE} {\n\t$0\n}"


As you can see the snippet text can contain variables (${1:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}) as they are specified in this document:


But in the document the inserted snippet looks like this:


“context $TM_FILENAME_BASE {}“


So, I’m wondering why the variable isn’t replaced with a real value, in this case the base filename. Is the variable support / replacement part of the LSP4E plugin? If it’s currently not supported, are there plans to provide this feature in a future release?

Or should the variable handling done by the consumer of the LSP4E plugin itself? If yes, what would be the right hook / extension point to get into this game to replace the variables before the snippet is added to the document?



Thanks for your support,



Markus Ofterdinger

Senior Developer, PI SAP CP Core XS Technology (SE)

SAP SE, Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16, 69190 Walldorf/Baden, Germany



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